Reviews from

in the past

i wish this game had absolutely no writing because it's one of the most creative first-person shooters on the market but i cannot recommend it to my friends because my god the writing is abysmal

"it's like how you can never be a true gamer if you only ever play on easy mode" - Neon White

Fun game, with a decently high skill ceiling. Some of the writing is fun and decent, a lot.. not so much. The gameplay is fantastic, working to optimize your times. Being the first game dedicated to speedrunning, its intuitive and quick to get a hang of. Playing with friends, trying to beat their time, made it easily 10x more fun. That being said, no I'm not going to replay the game deathless in a single 2 hour long run for an achievement, let alone TWICE.

Voice acting be damned
This game can play

Ignoring the whatever story, I have 69 (nobody say lol) hours logged in this game and the grand, grand majority of the time was just me trying to beat my friends' times in each level. It was just too much fun. It's hard to keep my attention that long so I gotta give it up, this game is consistent all the way through.

4 Stars From David. David ASSUMES it would be fun to play High.
I have not played

This game is so good I am giving it a secret hidden red 6th star. I have nothing to say about the story, but the gameplay is so good that everything between levels could just be footage of someone reading a book silently and I would still say that this is the 2022 GOTY.


Went for 100% on replay; i.e., got all the Ace medals (and surprised myself with a few red ones too), completed all the gift challenges and sidequests, and against my better judgment, I even read all the dialogue. I left this run-through of Neon White with new appreciation and new frustrations in roughly equal measure, with intersections between the two that'd take an essay to unravel, or maybe a three-hour YouTube video called "Neon White: An Exhaustive Critique" or some bullshit. I'll save that for round 3.


Every single inch of this game is exploding with personality while also withholding the best most addictive gameplay I have ever seen in a video game holy fucking shit.

top 5 games ever if the dialogue didn't bump it down so far

terrible writing okay gameplay

Great gameplay, innovative, fast, fun, fluid, addicting
Beware the (intentionally?) bad writing

...Machine Girl

really good but like 5 hours too long and the writing was some of the worst ever

I think people overexaggerate when it comes to the supposed cringe dialogue. There was a specific character that actually did get on my nerves a bit though. If you know, you know. Still nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.

The gameplay is incredible though. It trims the fat of Doom and Doom Eternal and just gives you fast, unfiltered fun. Shorter levels are sometimes better than ones that overstay their welcome like in the Doom games. The speedrunning aspect is incredible too. Top tier. I just want more of it.

Amazing game, I loved every moment of this. The movement and weapons are perfect and I actually really enjoyed the story and dialogue! This is definitely a game that I will be recommending/buying for people from now on, it’s such an amazing experience!

anyone who says the writing sucks is a FUCKING coward

It’s a fun concept but I genuinely have no motivation to finish it

The time-trial frenzy against everyone on your friends list is addicting and adds so much. I love seeing times attached to my friends' names/profile pictures.
Every time tells a story.
If you saw that your friend had a time way below yours, you could gather that they didn't find that super cool shortcut you found. So you reach out! You show them how you got that time and the true battle between you can begin. It brings people together.

Finding the collectables on every map felt like a puzzle. I loved brainstorming ways to carry specific weapon cards across the map to access tricky locked off or far away platforms. Finding the few alternate exits that exist in the game was a real surprise!

The story was GOOD. Everyone's performance did a fantastic job selling the character interactions. Steve Blum is so cool, you guys.

i was just gonna give this game 4 stars because it is not clear where you need to go in some of the levels, but the zipline range is pretty good so that earns a half star

anyways yeah fun little experience neon red my beloved

This game made me better at first-person shooters

Some of the best gameplay ever mixed with some of the worst dialogue ever but it mixes to give you a worthwhile experience. I really like Neon White


Fun fast paced gameplay with a banger OST. Friend my pal Ori if you want to feel good about yourself while playing this game