Reviews from

in the past

great sequel new setting new characters but maintaining that great gameplay loop and exploration

Peak horror gaming. The police station lobby theme has been ingrained in my brain. The horror, atmosphere, story, characters and everything is just perfect. Really enjoyed both Leon and Claire's routes in this one. Loved seeing the different perspectives. PS1 Ada had me feeling different.

não tenho muito oq dizer, simplesmente bom pra krl

The opening of RE2 evokes a much different feeling than the one in RE1. Instead of slowly building up to an encounter with a single zombie, RE2 has you frantically running through an entire horde of them as you make your way to the police station. It's here that RE2 establishes a much more action oriented tone that's present for the entire game and it's so damn fun.

I had a blast going through the Police Station. It's much more linear than the Spencer Mansion and progression can be boiled down to getting a key, opening 1 or 2 doors, getting another key, rinse and repeat with some rudimentary puzzles along the way. This should bother me considering how much I liked the non-linearity of RE1 but it's honestly too fun for me to care and that's largely due to how much you'll be killing enemies in this game. RE2 loads you with ammo and it is usually very easy to clear out an entire area of up to 7 zombies and it is sooooo cathartic. The game as a whole is very streamlined and easy compared to the first game. Ink ribbons are abundant, I never felt like I was lacking ammo and the hallways aren't nearly as suffocating here as they were in the mansion so dodging zombies is much easier. Because of this, I never had to carefully think about my approach, but I had fun throughout so I can't really say that the game being easier ever felt like a flaw to me.

Though the game ramps up the action, I wouldn't say it's any less scary than RE1. I was startled a few times here, like when you first see Lickers crawling on the window or when Mr X bursts through a wall. Limping has also been added and characters will slow down when low on health which makes some parts really stressful as you're trying to get away only to start moving slower and slower as you're being chased.

Another reason why I was so hooked was because this game has my favourite story from all the RE games I played so far. There's way more cutscenes so it's easier to latch onto the characters and learning about how corrupt Brian Irons is or seeing how Birkin is constantly mutating was more memorable than anything from the first game. Each character having 2 separate scenarios is also great, it gives the game replayability and both characters are about as capable as eachother (though the weapon parts make Leon's campaign my favourite by far). Depending on what scenario you're doing, you'll see a slightly different perspective on some of the characters you meet which is pretty neat.

RE2 is the Aliens to RE1's Alien. It ramps up the action while also not abandoning its horror roots and it makes for a game that is easily my favourite of the classic bunch of RE games.

A great game in its time, with improved graphics and gameplay mechanics compared to the first game.

Good features and ideas but this game did not age well, besides Claire's dope ass design

This game actually scared the shit out of me

I liked it better than REmake weirdly enough. Still just not a fan of fixed camera angles.

The remake is really good, but i prefer the original. I just like the classic gameplay style more.

This review contains spoilers

Os gráficos do jogo estão melhores do que seu antecessor, mais detalhados e com um mapa maior e com um level design bem construído. O que mais impressiona no design das áreas são as mudanças entre as campanhas A e B, pois você explora locais diferentes dependendo da campanha e do personagem que você está jogando.

A trilha evoluiu bastante desde o último jogo, com muito mais músicas, bem diversificadas e em vários lugares compondo um ambiente com o jogador que se sente mais envolvido e imerso no universo do jogo.

Os controles em sua maior parte estão iguais aos de seu antecessor, porém há algumas melhorias de vida, principalmente em relação ao inventário. Agora combinar itens do baú com o inventário está mais fácil, além de que a movimentação do personagem muda de acordo com sua vida, para facilitar o entendimento, a única parte que não foi melhorada da movimentação foi andar para trás, que continua difícil pois o personagem não tem virada rápida para fugir de inimigos.

A história do jogo começa com Leon e Claire se encontrando na cidade de Raccoon, totalmente dominada por zumbis, eles entram em uma viatura e vão para a delegacia. Porém, antes de chegar lá um caminhoneiro infectado bate no carro deles e os divide, fazendo eles irem para lá por caminhos separados. Ao chegar lá, Claire encontra Sherry, uma criança filha de Annette Birkin e William Birkin, fugindo de uma arma bio-orgânica. Depois, Leon encontra Ada Wong, uma mulher que está à procura de seu namorado John que trabalha no laboratório da Umbrella. Durante a campanha B, um Tyrant te persegue até o final do jogo. Durante o jogo, a arma bio-orgânica vai te atacar várias vezes e eventualmente, Annette vai te encontrar e dizer que ela é seu marido, William que desenvolveu um novo vírus, o G-vírus, uma variação do T-vírus, que melhora o corpo do usuário e foi espalhado pela cidade por ratos, após agentes da Umbrella tentarem pegar o vírus de William e ele utilizar em si mesmo para detê-los. No final do jogo, na campanha do Leon, a Ada acaba morrendo por conta da Annette, enquanto na da Claire, Sherry fica infectada por ser compatível com o DNA da arma e Claire tem que fazer uma vacina para ela. Enquanto na campanha A, os dois enfrentam o Birkin em sua forma final antes do laboratório se autodestruir, enquanto na campanha B, os dois precisam enfrentar uma versão super do Tyrant para ligar o trem para ir embora, no caso do Leon levando a Sherry para o trem. Durante essa batalha, uma mulher que dá a entender ser a Ada, te joga uma bazuca para finalizar o Tyrant.

O jogo teve melhorias impressionantes, principalmente no inventário, e a variedade de inimigos e cenários é muito divertida e criativa, o jogo tem um fator replay muito alto, principalmente por conta de suas 4 campanhas diferenciadas, cada uma com suas diferenças exclusivas. O combate do jogo está mais divertido, com armas mais diferenciadas como a munição ácida do lança-granadas, o arco e a arma de raio. Há apenas alguns detalhes que deixam o jogo pior, como o fato de as batalhas de chefes serem muito fáceis, com exceção da batalha do Tyrant, mas ela dura pouco tempo para ser difícil, mas com certeza o jogo inteiro garante horas de exploração e diversão, com uma história incrível e uma trilha marcante.

Nota: Maravilhoso

O ápice dos Resident Evil clássicos está aqui. Uma sequência que supera todos os aspectos do antecessor de 1996. Apenas Resident Evil 2.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…

No wonder Romero loved it and even directed one of its TV ads…

Resident Evil 2 lives rent free in my childhood nightmares, for it was the very first RE game I ever played.

The creepy CG opening cutscenes of both Leon and Claire gave me nightmares for MONTHS, but somehow only pushed me to play the game even further.

The opening streets of Raccoon City give off a vibe, completely unmatched to this day, even with the Remakes, and the following claustrophobic sections in the police station, sewers, and labs, only further increase the tension in a game that is so excellently paced and thought out.

This is the game that opened my 7 or 8 year old mind (give or take) into further exploring the Survival Horror genre, and created in me a long lasting impact that stands strong to this very day at my almost 30 years of age.

What a masterpiece of a game, and, a turning point in the gaming industry that allowed the games of today to be what they are.


Oque está acontecendo nessa cidade?

RE2 é um exemplo de como fazer uma sequência superior ao antecessor, Além de ser uma sequencia de certa forma "Isolada" do primeiro, ainda existem conexões diretas com o antecessor.

A história e Narrativa do primeiro especialmente as falas eram duvidosas, mas aqui eles fizeram duas histórias coesas que se conectam.

Além do mais é um título que de fato enriquece e muito o Universo.

A genuine classic and I will not hear otherwise.

resident evil 2 remake may be one of the best remakes of all time i really can get behind this statement to be honest like it did nothing out of place and remade the entirety of the game from scratch and really refined the entire experience to heaven and back (apart from like the B route paths which were butchered a bit but thats fine i mean it didnt really damage the experience for me probably die hard fans were tearing their hair but i just marathoned everything resident evil this month or so so like i cant attest for that

playing resident evil 3 really showed me how interesting could still be playing the original ones and i can really understand the appeal that these games have to this day and had when they first came out i mean they were definitely monumental for their time

I played a little resident evil 1 the original after this one and its incredible how they managed to improve a lot of stuff like travelling through the different areas or being able to dodge the zombies or something simpler like how open the different places feel in this one it's. wow

whatever so like the game centers around fan favourites leon and claire and this time i also played leons route yknow i wanted to actually play as claire this time but the horny took my hand and chose leon (im not actually a fan of original leon OR remake leon hes ugly as shit this is just me thinking about resident evil 4 leon)

leon got fucked on his first day on the racoon police department job and claire is looking for his brother chris bla bla bla i already talked about this in the remakes review

as I played resident evil 3 I definitely was not expecting to enjoy these original experiences these much and it was a case for this one too this is fucking incredible

as always pre rendered backgrounds are fucking gorgeous maybe a little less than
the ones of resident evil 3 those are just absolutely jaw dropping but these ones are also pretty competent to make the rpd come to life and making it one of the most iconic places in the entire resident evil franchise

the models are also a downgrade from resident evil 3 (im talking like resident evil 3 came first but its just because I played that came before this one ok im sorry don't take me seriously) limbs are a bit janky but that's to be expected but yknow honestly they're pretty cool and all

in general the storylines and the gameplay are also standard resident evil you got a big virus outbreak and an infodump on the virus itself in the last 20 minutes then some explosions and then a final boss and then some more explosions the end BUT as you know this game got 2 campaigns and if you play as leon you get some insight on femme fatale ada and if you choose claire you can get to know the daughter of the main scientist behind the g virus so ideally you should play both campaigns one after the other since you will get some interesting implications in the different campaigns


yknow what I was not expecting the fact that this game absolutely nailed the soundtrack what the actual fuck there's some BANGERS during the later part of the game that I was NOT expecting like I was dumb founded tbh and in general the sound design is fucking amazing I thought it was a prerogative of the remake because new technologies and such but this game got nothing to envy AND I might say that the ost on this one was definitely more iconic than the remake if that was even possible

all in all I think the argument of "you should still play the original even if you remake something" holds up pretty well and yeah I do beg you to play this game

also yeah this time too I finished the game with loads of ammo whatever it was expected

the scariest part is the cutscene model of leon

sensacional, pegaram as milhoes de vendas que o 1 fez e usaram pra fazer um jogo tão sensacional quanto, dessa vez com dublagem, personagens e roteiro muito melhores... acho que ainda gosto mais de 1 pq o mapa dele é algo fora da curva, mas esse é incrivel

I adore RE2 2019, but know some people were left disappointed by that remake with how much it changed things up compared to the RE1 remake. RE2 uses new camera angles, some slight story changes, and messes with A/B scenarios a little bit. So I figured it was time to try the original and get a full opinion.

I love this game.

Of the original three Resident Evils it's easily the best, the RPD is a great survival horror location, Claire and Leon have noticable differances in terms of how they play without it getting annoying (No limited inventory on one of them! Looking at you Chris!), and it's a charming and short game, I think My runs were around 3ish hours by the time I finished my 4th run through?

So that begs the question, am I retroactively disjointed that we didn't get an RE1 style remake of 2? Well, no. I'm actually glad 2 remake changes things up so much from the classic because I don't think RE2 classic needs many changes at all, it's that good. Apparently Capcom was considering a fixed camera remake and there's footage of it in development, but I think they made the right choice in trying something new. I wish zapping was still in (even though I barely interacted with that) and I don't think the A/B to scenario 1/2 change was as drastic as people said, but I do wish Leon and Claire bumped into each other more like they did in the original, and that the 2 scenarios weren't impossible chronologically.

Anyways, Capcom, please port this to modern consoles and PC, would love a Resident Evil Legacy collection! This game is fantastic and made me appreciate the series that much more!

Undoubtedly a good game on its own, but playing it right after REmake, I only had one thought going through my head: "Wow, I'd rather be playing either REmake or RE2make than this." Yes, I know it's iconic, and helped cement the series' fame. It introduced multiple fan favorite characters, it has the setting that a lot of people think of when they think RE, it added some new terrifying enemies, but... I don't know. At the end of the day, it didn't feel like it was trying to do anything more than just be "more Resident Evil." It didn't feel nearly as tense as 1 due to the more action-oriented focus of the development, which hinders the game in numerous ways. Fixed camera angles and tank controls worked perfectly in RE1 to create tension and dread, but in this, they feel like a nuisance that heavily impacts combat for the worse. In fact, when you're equipped to the nines with weaponry, it robs the experience of a lot of its scariness. Zombies and Lickers aren't threats to me anymore, they're just annoyingly tanky targets.

The story is never really the focal point in an RE game, but a lot of people cite RE2 as having the best story in the series, so I paid closer attention for this one, and... it's just RE1. Like, almost exactly. The RPD is a cover for Umbrella, just like the mansion. Someone who the main character trusts turns out to be the villain, just like before. The game ends with the Umbrella labs self-destruc- well, okay, fine, every RE game ends that way. But still, it didn't really feel like the plot was all that different from RE1's. Sure, having the two main characters bump into each other a few times is definitely pretty cool and creates a more cohesive through line, but at its core, it feels samey.

I should note that these are my thoughts after only completing Leon's A campaign, just like how I did my RE2make review. Once I do Claire B, I'll come back and give any final thoughts; see I warm up to this any more.

Alright, so I just finished Claire B, and my feelings are pretty enforced now. The early game is still more irritating than it is tense, but the action focus really works later on in the game. It just feels cool to run through Umbrella Labs, blasting away everything you see with electricity guns and acid grenades. I gotta say, though, I was expecting a lot more from the way the game's perspective changes on a B scenario. It's still 85% the same game, with the same items, and same rooms, with only some minor changes in how you get from room 1 to room 2. Mr. X was a huge letdown, he really just felt shoehorned in than a natural addition. Also, Sherry is incredibly annoying as a companion and made it hard for me to really feel her and Claire's friendship like I did in the remake.

In the end, this is a good game that, while I'm grateful it exists for making the RE series the mainstay that it is today, I feel hasn't aged as good as its peers in the series. Between both the RE1 and RE2 remakes, I don't find much reason to go back to this one. I can imagine it being mind-blowing back in '98, but now, it just feels outmoded.

It's crazy how Leon looked like that at one point

Phew, this has officially taken the spot of my favorite resident evil. I can't believe how much fun I had playing it. I've actually lost some respect for the remake, as it did 2nd scenarios dirty compared to this.

The different characters on different discs is just so cool (even though I played N64 both characters on one cartridge). Tyrant only appearing in the second run was genius, it adds so much to the second playthrough, I just wish he followed as relentlessly as he does in the remake for that intensity.

This is a game I will definitely play again, and I'm so glad I've taken the time to get good at tank controls as these games are soo fun

A rare example of dated mechanics and visuals actually helping a games overall point, the forced camera perspectives and limited saving resources while dated actually help the games horror atmosphere by a good amount, great game