Reviews from

in the past

This feels a bit clunky compared to other fighting games of its time.

Very clunky, but it has a great potential, although the final boss is much more bullshited than other SNK games until now.

I can tell this series has ways to go, but I had a lot more fun than I expected for a first entry in this long-running series.

The 3 on 3 battles aren't just a gimmick to differentiate itself from other fighting games in gameplay but they also provide some charm with the rest of your team reacting to your fights and the cliché story motivations at the end of every fighting game are at least a little more bearable when it's multiple characters building on each other. The game still feels very fan servicey though (the only thing from this I'm thankful of is SNK didn't make Athena a loli again lol)

i love asking people to play random games with me on fightcade, especially when they actually agree to it. not as bad as you may have been led to believe! sure, being forced to play "canon teams" is pretty backwards if you're familiar with the rest of the series but i think the actual gameplan synergy between teams is kind of great? i'm a big fan of the women fighters team, because of course i would be, why wouldn't i? happy birthday king....

Why is Joe fucking screaming so loud on this cover. Dude relax we love KOF

hitbox eu achei um pouco zoada, mas é o meu primeiro da franquia, vamos ver os proximos

You've got a good track record of making the first of your game series ass SNK, good job. Not a lot of game companies can do it like you.

toda franquia tem que começar de algum lugar né? se comparado aos jogos de luta da época ele é consideravelmente limitado, mas isso não torna ele menos histórico
definitivamente um dos jogos de luta mais importantes até hoje

SNK got the pretty novel idea (at that time) of crossing over its two main fighting games, Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, in one game. They eventually added characters from other games and created original ones, and that how KoF was born.
To accommodate the rather large roster (once again, at that time), fighting takes place as 3-on-3 team battles. No rounds, just beat every character one after another. You get a bit of life after every victory, so sweeping an entire team is not impossible if you know what you're doing.

Since it's a traditional SNK fighting game, you've got 4 buttons (light/heavy punch and light/heavy kick). Pressing the two heavy buttons makes you perform a "blow back" attack that will knock down your opponent. Pressing the two light buttons instead and you'll do an emergency evasion.
The game being based on both Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury, it borrows elements of those two games for its Super Special system. You can perform them like a Desperation Move in FF when your life bar is flashing, or use them when your special meter is full like in AoF. Of course, you can manually charge that special meter by pressing three buttons, and taunt to make your opponent lose meter.
Another gameplay element is the dash, wich gives precious additional mobility options to your character.

KoF 94' has 24 characters divided in 8 teams, plus one final boss. Like in many post-Street Fighter 2 fighting games, there is a world map and every team represents a country, despite it making barely any sense. Japan is the hero team, represented by three new original characters: Kyo, Benimaru, and Goro Daimon. Kyo Kusanagi is the game's protagonist and his slick character design will make him the popular face of the series. The Fatal Fury team gets the obvious trio of Terry, Andy and Joe, and represents Italy (referencing Andy's stage in FF2). Art of Fighting team gets three Kyokugen fighters with Ryo, Robert, and Takuma. They are sent to Mexico for some reason, which is weird since AoF3 also takes place in Mexico but that game was actually released two years later. Brazil has the Ikari Warrior team with Ralf, Clark, and new original character, Heidern. Athena and Kensou are also helped by a new character, drunken master Chin, and they form together the Psycho Soldier team (China). England is represented by the Women Fighters team with Yuri and King from AoF and Mai from FF (don't ask me why England) (well, actually, I just looked it up and it was supposed to be Billy Kane's team before he got replaced by Mai). Korea Team is composed of Kim from FF and two new characters, criminals called Chang and Choi (or "huge dude with iron ball" and "midget Freddy Krueger"). Last but not least, there's the hilarious US team, or "American Sports team", with boxer Heavy-D, basketball player Lucky Glauber, and football player Brian Battler. Those guys suck so much they inadvertently warp up as awesome (but yeah, they're basically joke characters stuck in a very cool roster).
Final boss is the iconic pain in the ass Rugal Bernstein, a character so broken that the Genocide Cutter sound bite will forever live in your head after playing (suffering) against him.

Visually, the game is a treat. SNK made the choice of slightly smaller but more detailled character sprites than usual. Add great character designs and extravagant backgrounds, and you've got an impressive showing for 1994.
This original KoF has obvious issues though. It's a very rigid game to control compared to the later installments (as if SNK motion inputs alone were not tough enough). Another problem is the absence of team edit. It doesn't bother me that much, but I know it's a deal breaker for some.
Also, a huge warning. If you can't find a poor soul to play a 30 years old obsolete fighting game with, you'll have to play against the CPU, and the difficulty is brutal. Better get your cheese strats ready, or at least put down the difficulty level to 1, otherwise you'll have a very bad time.

Not a bad fighting game, but a pretty forgettable one compared to its glorious sequels. Even if you are one of those "I play King of Fighters for the story" kind of guy (in that case, bravo, you get it), there's nothing much for you there. Oh well.

It's pretty fun, but the enemy AI in the last couple of fights in the arcade is so bad and the final fight actually cheats. Overall I think it's a decent fighting game, as simple as it is, and it achieves what it wants to. The biggest problem is that the single-player content sucks near the end.
Final score: 5/10

It’s pretty bad. If they kept this formula with the other KOF games of having one set team, then it would definitely be my least favorite fighting game.

Por eu ter começado com versões mais recentes como a 97/98, esse jogo fica um pouco datado. Não é ruim mas bem mais difícil e limitado (mas imagino o impacto nos jogadores da época).

Feels janky to play. The soundtrack and art is the only redeeming quality. Pretty basic plot

We have covered many different fighters from SNK on this website so far, from the good to the bad, the iconic to the obscure, the stupid to the…. equally as stupid. You get the picture, we have covered a lot so far, but we have yet to cover… THE SNK fighter, the one that most people gravitate towards when they think of the company, the one that has managed to outlast every single other one and become the flagship franchise for the company. This wasn’t just any simple fighting game though, because we have already had too many of those to count from the company, but instead, it was gonna be a crossover event, one that takes two of the big fighting juggernauts from the company, along with several others, and bring them together for the first time to duke it out, not only to defeat a common enemy, but also to stand as the best of the best. This was the story… of The King of Fighters ‘94……………. or at least, that is what happened when it did get turned into a fighting game rather than a beat-’em-up.

Out of all of the fighting franchises from this company, this is the one that I had heard the most about before checking out for myself, not only because of how huge it had gotten ever since its inception, but because of its entire concept in general. At this point in time, there had never been a fighting game that’s primary focus was to be a full-on crossover game, taking two different universe and clashing them together, so seeing a game not only take Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting and having them duke it out, along with characters from Ikari Warriors and Athena because why the hell not, must’ve been really exciting for anyone who was fans of any of these games. And hey, it clearly paid off at the end of the day, because the game would go onto get yearly installments for quite some time, as well as plenty of spin-offs, side games, and other forms of media released right alongside it to this day. So, now that I am pretty familiar with every single franchise that is represented in this game, I figured it was about time I gave the series a shot with the first game, and to the surprise of nobody, I ended up really enjoying it. It most likely does not come even close to the quality of future titles, and it isn’t toooooooo different from their previous title, but it does manage to not only be a great introduction for the series as a whole, but also a really good fighting game all on its own that i am really happy to have checked out.

The story doesn’t try to be anything more than what you have come to expect, where a new face in town known as Rugal decides to host a brand new King of Fighters tournament after seeing Geese and Krauser do so in the events of Fatal Fury 1 and 2 (as well as Art of Fighting 2, but who cares), sending invitations all over the world which not only reaches the main characters from those games, but also plenty of other newcomers from around the world, so they all come together to form teams of three to take on the tournament, become the definitive King of the Fighters, and figure out what sinister intentions Rugal might be hiding. It’s an SNK fighting game, so it would feel weird for this to not be the plot, and I don’t wanna risk tearing a hole into the fabric of the universe, so I will just accept the generic plot and move along from there.

The graphics are wonderful, having some fantastic sprite work, animations, and designs for all of the characters, stages, and effects, although there are some parts like the drawings for the characters during the ending cutscenes that definitely do look rough around the edges, and is just… ugh, the music is great, having plenty of kick-ass tunes to go along with you kicking your opponent’s teeth in, but of course, you will barely be able to hear it over the sounds of the many sound effects that will be playing as you fight your opponent, and the gameplay/control is mostly what you would expect from a fighting game, but with several changes and gimmicks that would not only become a staple part of the franchise, but would make fights much more interesting as a whole.

The game is a somewhat-typical 2D fighter, where you take control of one of eight different teams, each consisting of three different fighters from other SNK games, or completely new faces that would become regulars in the series, take on plenty of other teams in locations fought all around the world, throw out plenty of different punches, kicks, and special moves to eliminate all members of the team while relying on your team’s special skills, block and dodge accordingly to sustain minimal damage to any member of your team at any time, and bask in the sweet glow of victory for those few moments…. only to then get pummeled by the next opponent who will come by. Most fighting game veterans would be able to comfortably settle into this game and have a great time with it, even with the apparent changes made to the formula, which one can easily adjust to if they know what they are doing, and still have a great time with it.

If you SOMEHOW haven’t caught onto this already, the one big change made in this game compared to every single fighting game before this is how you take control of a team of characters rather then just one solo character, and while this doesn’t affect the gameplay too heavily, it does make just enough of a change to where it does make you think about how to approach matches. Rather than the typical “three rounds and ya win/lose” formula that most fighting games have, each fighter can only be used once per match as long as they aren’t knocked out, and whenever a fighter is knocked out, they are then switched out for the next fighter on the team in the order that you selected. The only other time I have ever had experience with this style of fighting is with Marvel vs. Capcom, so I was fully aware of what this system was gonna be like going into it, and from what we have here, it works out pretty well.

It does make you think more about how you go about winning a fight, based on what character you are playing as, what moves they can pull off, their speed, their attacks, all of that shit, and seeing how you can be using a completely new character on the fly if you fuck up, it adds another level of strategy and complexity that was simple to grasp and incredibly satisfying to master. Not to mention, given how you don’t get a full health bar back whenever you beat an opponent, the game encourages you, more than ever, to play smart, and not just constantly spam the same move over and over again, or just button mash, in the vein hope of winning (even though, with some of these games, I have no choice but to do that).

Other then that though, not too much has changed if you compare this to other SNK fighters, as it is mostly your standard romp. The only real other differences I can see is that there are no bonus stages to take on, and the way that you use special moves is a bit different, but otherwise, you know what you are getting into with this, and as someone who has now played more of these then I can count, I can safely say that this was one really fun. Of course, the combat was rough around the edges, but the flow of fights still felt pretty satisfying, the energy that was there made a lot of the game feel exciting and fun, the little extra story bits here and there were very interesting, and with the fact that you essentially have 24 different characters to mess around with, there is plenty of things to do that will leave you busy, especially if you are going for all the endings.

However, as is traditional with fighting games, we gotta talk about the elephant in the room, and that elephant’s name is Fighting Game Syndrome, where the game’s CPU will not hesitate to pummel your ass to the ground before you even have a chance to comprehend what was going on in the first place. Although, with that being said, I didn’t actually find the difficulty of the game to be that bad when playing through it……. THAT IS, until I reached the final battle with Rugal, who takes on your entire team by himself, and that right there is a dirty, rotten trick. It lures you into a false sense of security, with you thinking “PFFT, three against one? This will be a total cakewalk!”, but then you actually fight him, and you will learn to never trust one of these games again. His first phase is pretty standard, nothing too bad that you can just easily get through if you know what you are doing, but then he throws off his coat, and that is when SHIT GETS REAL. He will be throwing out all these crazy attacks, comboing you before you can do anything to stop it, push you across the screen and slam you into the walls, and it is an absolute nightmare of a fight at this point. Of course, he is beatable, but you need to be pretty skilled at these games in order to take him down, and while I wouldn’t say this boss is as hard as, say, Geese Howard in Fatal Fury 1, he will still have you begging for mercy if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Overall, despite fighting game syndrome being in effect and Rugal needing to go fuck himself in every way possible, this was a great way to start off an ambitious franchise like this, and an overall really good game, having plenty of what SNK fighters had that make them so fun to try out and beat, a gameplay gimmick that shakes things up to where it is much more interesting without sacrificing what makes these games work, and having plenty of fan service from plenty of points in SNK’s history with the characters that you can’t help but appreciate if you have been playing all of these games like I have. I would definitely recommend it for those who are big fighting game fans, as well as those who love the other fighters from the company like Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, because this game manages to blow both of those out of the water in every single way, and I can’t wait to see what the next installments have in store. But if there is one thing I will ask for, it would be to PLEASE tone down the final boss of the next game so that they won’t be as much of a pain to fight?....... who am I kidding, it’s SNK, they’re not gonna do that. And given what played at the end of the game there, looks like I am gonna have double the fun with it in the next game, so YAY FOR ME!....................... help

Game #572

KOF ter recebido mais 14 jogos depois desse lixo é a maior prova que milagres existem.

Kinda meh. Doesnt really have anything going for it other than the sprite art