Reviews from

in the past

Spelunky's platforming is generally fun, thanks to its tight mechanics and unique obstacles. However, the difficulty is so inconsistent on each run that achieving the slightest bit of progress is a chore.

Definitely a me thing but I am just not a fan of troll games

Great game, requires a lot of skill and learning how the enemies work. Very deadly throughout, as a single mis-step can end a run. Very replayable.

soul crushingly hard yet fair, you WILL improve with time and it feels great when you do!

Oh, Spelunky, you absolute jerk. You're tough as nails, you have a penchant for punishing mild mistakes with immediate death, you're prone to RNG beyond belief, and yet somehow, we always keep crawling back to you. Dare we ask, why? ...It's because of all those things we just mentioned. We've gone on record to call some hard games "Looney Tunes games", and Spelunky is FULL of Looney Tunes moments, let us tell ya.

Something about Spelunky just works where most other games would falter. We think the big thing is that, in Spelunky, sure, shit happens--but it's built into the core gameflow. Sometimes, you just blunder. It'll happen, and you'll know to look out for it next time. Sometimes, the game just pulls slapstick on you, and the only thing you can do is groan, before realizing just how long it's taking, and by the time you've actually died, you're chucking to yourself all over. Spelunky has a surprisingly high amount of respect for the player given how often it beats the shit out of you.

That being said, we do hesitate to give it a 4.5, just because its sequel kinda Cooler Daniels it a bit. But don't let that give you the impression Spelunky HD is "obsolete" in any way--it's just lower stakes. And some times, that's exactly what you want. (Also, Spelunky HD has a more interesting competitive scoring/speedrunning scene than 2 in our opinion thanks to all its weird engine quirks and bugs HD has that 2 doesn't, even if 2 has the best co-op, THERE WE SAID IT).

Also, @ Mossmouth, please hound Fangamer to reprint those Spelunky minifigures, the little desk caveman we have is getting lonely...

Alright, I died around 1.700 times.

Got to Olmec around 5 times, never close to beating him. (That's why I am not marking this game completed, boy scout's honor) Incredible game design and how one gets better and better in this unforgiving world = chef's kiss.

I didn't throw my Vita out of the window either. I guess I must "like" this game?! Not uninstalling it either, just moving on in my backlog... and maybe some day this "played" button will become green, as in a game finished.

Until we meet again...

Never beat it, always loved it.

This was one of the games that sparked the indie revolution (albeit a bit more down the line) and it was a Rogue-inspired title back in a time where they weren't quite as popular. I love this game simply because it's entire premise is interacting with the world without coming off as sandboxy and that's such an interesting feeling in a rogue-ish title or an action game in general. I'll beat it one of these days.

Loved and hated this game. Now I just love it.

Easily the second best commercial remake of a freeware game featuring an Indiana Jones-like protagonist that would later get a sequel starred by their daughter to come out in July 2012

This game was perfect, then Spelunky 2 was released, and you go how did I ever deal with this? While Spelunky 2 has much more refined, balanced systems, to where it can feel just, perfect, Spelunky HD keeps a spot in my heart for being charming and a bit short and sweet, but still with the same amount of refined depth of the sequel.

Decent little rogue-like. Fun to play co-op.

I really, really want to like this game more than I do. It's a great game made with an expert level of craft. This is really more of a 4/5. I personally cannot get into, though. I love difficult games, but there's something about the way this game goes "fuck you" to the player that really tests my patience. I also extremely dislike the dark levels.

Guy Spelunky fucked my favorite character. That's not a joke

Amazing game, every little action matters and you have to pay attention to every moment. Amazing design overall

Truly the dark souls of roguelikes. I know this because I'm filtered by this game.

The base concept of the game is really fun, but there's just so much stuff that makes you go "okay that's bullshit" and most of the time it actually is. Like YEAH you can just "git gud," but I just don't have the patience to "git gud" at this game. It just doesn't feel worth it.

one of the few modern roguelikes/lites that actually requires you to work on your skill instead of relying on rng or progressing through unlocks. awesome game that stays super hard and addicting without really needing that much content compared to some other, arguably bloated, rougelikes.

Probably the only roguelike I've played where the design actually feels unfair. The slippery controls and destruction mechanics might work well in a more deliberately designed game, but the randomized stage designs combined with a constant time limit lead to sudden unavoidable deaths that just aren't fun for me. The death-restart loop isn't satisfying either. Great to watch kaizo-heads demolish this thing, but I'm not enough of a platform masochist to really stick with it (and I've 100%'d Super Meat Boy and Mario Lost Levels!)

lots of memories

GooeyScale: 70/100

The game slaps in my face that i'm horrible, easily the GOAT

Tip: go into help & options -> graphics and turn off full screen. This lets you see your computer's clock while playing the game. It won't make you play any less, it'll just make you feel worse for wasting several dozen hours of your already brief existence.

playing this after 2 kinda made me hate how it feels to move in lmao

Apenas jugué, ojalá haberme enganchado

quintessential roguelike. one of the most frustrating and evil games i've ever played. it's really great.

I will get to cosmic ocean...

It took about ~300 deaths, but I fucking did it.

Almost everything in my original review still holds up. The Ice Caves is probably my least favorite area in the game but I still liked it, and Temple was a good sendoff to the game.

Hell? Doesn't exist, what are you talking about?