Reviews from

in the past

The most satisfying collectathon video game I've ever played. Just wonderful! I'll be keeping my eye on this studio, their next game will be must play for me.

Really well-made collectathon that scratched an itch for me. Every level felt lovingly designed and was dense with things to do. I finished it wanting more to do, or hoping for a sequel. I would have liked some more challenge, and stronger writing. Otherwise excellent.

This is seriously one of the best indie games I've ever played. The level design is impeccable and you can 100% the entire game in just under 10 hours. If you like Pikmin, PLAY THIS!

Pikmin-like puzzle-platformer, could be better with simple QoL fixes, one thing I missed was a way to keep track of points of interest through the map, maybe a ping system for the googles could work.

Una especie de Pikmin-like en el que vas recogiendo mierdecicas y completando misiones en una casa ayudado de bichines chiquitillos con habilidades distintas. La verdad es que me ha gustado bastante y me ha dado justo lo que esperaba. Cortito y divertido.

Aquele joguinho feito com Amor!!!

Uma mistura de Pikmin com Toy Story (PS1), o jogo esbanja carisma em uma aventura deliciosa com muita exploração e recheada de piadas e referências.

Recuerda mucho a Pikmin, es único, la verdad que como no es muy largo, se hace bastante ameno.

Very fun little platform we with pikmin like creatures. Really enjoyed it

juego facil, corto y bonito 10 de 10

Tinykin is a Pikmin-inspired puzzle-platformer that has completely won my heart. The level of passion and polish on display is undeniable. The art style is reminiscent of early-2000s cartoons and is presented in a uniquely stellar way that mixes 2D and 3D art. The soundtrack and overall audio design is terrific. What is there not to love?

The game exudes so much charm and excels in building a world and atmosphere that are beyond comforting. The world is chock-full of funny dialogue and references. The story features some neat commentary through its subtext.The gameplay is tight, addicting, and rewarding. I really didn’t want to put it down and ended up going for a completionist run that stretched the 6-hour runtime to 19 hours and I don’t regret it one bit.

Tinykin was just an adorable and comforting experience. Splashteam did a phenomenal job and I will definitely keep any upcoming release by them on my radar.

Vuelto a pasar porque es un gozo de jugar.

Su mayor maldición es que nadie pueda evitar describirlo como "la mezcla Pikmin-Chibi Robo-Banjo Kazooie" (peco también porque se nota mucho ese ADN aun siendo algo único en su mezcla final).

¡Y no se me ocurren muchas pegas tampoco! Tiene algún fallo menor, muy rara vez (especialmente en las terroríficas carreras de velocidad), pero no me imagino a alguien al que tras pasárselo le disguste.
Mucho sobre a qué juegos se parece y poco se habla que dan ganas de rejugarlo como quien juega a un juego de conducción arcade sin preocuparse por puntuaciones o desafíos.
El simple hecho de verlo y moverse en él satisface aun tras sacar el 100%.

A relaxing game made with love for another game. Pikmin. For those who like to collect everything on a level, this is definitely one of the best projects.

Релакс игра, сделанная с любовью к другой игре. Pikmin. Для любителей собирать все на уровне, это однозначно один из лучших проектов.

Story 2 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 4 | Visual 3.7 | Details 2.5 | Entertainment 4

Total 3.3

The frame rate being cut in half whenever you're near towels because they have more polygons than the rest of the game combined is very funny.

Mais um colectathon ai, mas até que é legalzinho

que joguinho gostoso. me deu muita vontade de testar pikmin, mas não sei se vou gostar tanto quanto esse. o mundo precisa de jogos simples e gostosos que nem esse. jogo foda!

So this was technically a replay as I beat the game on PC gamepass back when it launched but I knew I'd have to replay it on PS5 because its sooooo good.

Like the lovechild of Pikmin & Banjo-Kazooie. I really hope we get more of Milodane and the Thinykin in the future

Man I found these levels which are NOT AT ALL LIKE PIKMIN overwhelming with how big and full of stuff they are. Neat game

Me ha hecho sentir como un niño, corto, sencillo y sobre todo, entretenido

This was a cute little (or tiny, if you prefer) puzzle-platformer! A nightmare to 100% due to a very strange lack of QoL features but an incredibly chill game otherwise. The Pikmin comparisons are a little puzzling though as they're only superficially alike and nothing more.

Mecanicas muito legais, visualmente criativo e com uma boa variação de gameplay.

Pikmin's little brother with a PNGTuber as your main character it may be, but the gameplay is insanely fun and creative and has some of the most inventive, peaceful level designs I've played through in some time. Wish it were just a little longer.

I couldn't get enough of this game! The puzzles were so fun while the gameplay and the levels were so well crafted.

I held off on playing Tinykin for an unduly long time because I think the protagonist has a stupid haircut. As it turns out, even the in-game NPCs tend to express similar sentiments. Amusing.

The enviro art looks great, and calls to mind many hours spent traversing the world of Chibi-Robo. While Tinykin is clearly Pikmin inspired, it lacks any of the task-management of the series, and instead plays as a very conventional collectathon. Just rummage over every inch of level geo and pick up all the glowing edible looking collectibles on autopilot and the game will complete itself. Tinykin coasts by on delightful style and amusing NPC dialog to create a pleasantly memorable experience.

I gave up on trying to 100% my save, and am dearly wishing for a pollen radar. This is why I really don't like collectathons, they tend to resort to tedium rather than challenge. At least the time trials actually put your management of soap-board and bubble-hover schmoovement to the test. Showing that Tinykin can provide satisfying platforming sequences.

Simple, effective, delightful. Pretty much every second of this game was fun. Controlled really well, levels were different enough to keep things interesting and a bit of a challenge there if you want to find all the pollen etc. And if you don't, it's just a breeze bombing around the levels and unlocking stuff.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 2/10

Tinykin is the guy in the corner at a party wearing a Redbubble Pikmin t-shirt. Remember Pikmin guys?!

Tinykin provides a more forgiving, vertical platforming take on the Pikmin series. Nice to play, however I fear this might be forgotten or deemed an obscure platformer in the future.

يمكن من زمان ما استمتعت وانا العب قد ذي اللعبة مع ان فيها مشاكل الا انه ممتع التمشي و حل الالغاز بذا العالم

This did Pikmin 4 before it even came out.