Want to get back to this after I read more of the books.

Not really "completable", but marking as completed because I did a lot of what I wanted to do.

Fantastic title. Just the right length, funny, fun to play.

It's a solid 3d Mario game. Doing 100% does not sound fun, but a regular playthrough is a good time.

Played a bit past the tutorial and hated it, ruined a lot of what I liked from Crackdown 1.

Starts off really strong but I got really bored/frustrated in the back half.

Maybe a top 10 "listen to a podcast while playing game". The core loop is super satisfying and you unlock things at a good pace. Not as replayable as some other podcast listening titles because once you unlock a lot of things, some of the charm does lessen, but still super enjoyable and I still have more to unlock at 20+ hours.

Also, tried the Xbox version today, worked very well there also.

I liked this game until the midway point where it just became boring and I gave up.

It's just more Overwatch, it's fine but I'm sick of Overwatch. I think this game was a lot better at launch when it had more of a sense of fun, now it's trying too hard to be an esport.

Amazing, probably my favorite game of all time as of July 2023.

A game I go back to a LOT. This one is so fun to pick up and play. Has great microgames and so many fun minigames that I've replayed many times over the years.

This game is not to be ignored, it's one of the best mini game collections ever made. Most of the games in here are so good, and a lot of them have a surprising amount of modes/levels/features. If you liked Wii Sports at all, this is a must play, it's so much better. Easily the best game in the Wii Sprots series (as of 2023) and one I go back to a lot.

I think this game has the best map of any of the Skate games so far, and really, the map is one of the most important parts, looking around for cool spots to skate on and nail that trick/sequence you are trying for.

I go back to this game more than Skate 2, but the map is just not as good, and overall I don't vibe with this one quite as much. Still, a game I go back to a LOT.

Cmon, it's the best platformer ever made. The levels are clever, snappy, and feel great. I return to this one frequently.