I think I understand people's problem with the Wily Stages in this game after playing the difficult mode. The dragon can kill you in one hit, the blocks do 1/3 of damage to your life-bar, and the Boobeam trap is a bit more annoying (can't put my finger on it, but there has to be something).
The robot master stages are excellent though. Might need to replay of the normal mode to see if its as good as I remember.
Since its basically the same game, I wont add a star rating.

Really similar to Adventure Island 2, but i didn't enjoy this one as much honestly.
The main reason is the difficulty, and while it never reaches Adventure Island 1 level of cruelty (can't name many games that do though), once you get to 5-1, it is ON. From there, for my own sanity i just started using saves states.

Def an unpopular opinion, but Adventure Island 2 was just better, mostly because the later levels weren't designed by a fucking psychopath.
funny how easy that final boss is

Ended up beating Alucard's route in a single day. Its alot harder than Grant's, but its far from impossible (except stage 7, that kicked my ass so many goddamn times). All it needs is time, effort and concentration. Maybe my favourite NES game oat? Gonna need a replay of Mega Man 2 just to see.

Onto Sypha's and Trevor's routes!

Decent early beat em up. You walk left/right, kick, punch, sometimes jump, sometimes crouch and.. that's it. Still fun in short bursts.

Re-played this with Maria, and WOW she is overpowered. I enjoyed using her, but the game felt too easy tbh. Richter is the true way to play this. Still the best Castlevania, only competition is maybe Dracula's curse.

Ever since my first review, I think I’ve replayed this game about 20 times (mostly on normal), so I decided to just log a replay already.

Great on easy, one of the best run & gun games oat on normal, and fucking mind numbing on hard. Don’t let people trick you into thinking Hard Corps is tougher than contra 3 on hard.

Hard mode is just goddamn impossible man, I had to use the Japanese version with infinite continues just to get far in it, and that second checkpoint in stage 6.. holy shit.

Play this on easy or normal, don’t even bother with hard unless it’s on the Japanese version. still love this game even if the stage 5 boss exists


I never knew that the year 1942 was this boring.

It’s time to replay the American Castlevania 3. One of the hardest games of all time, a shitty bastardisation of a masterpiece…

I actually think I like this version better than Akumajou Densetsu. I’m not trying to be a contrarian or anything, i’m also not trying to act like I’m incredible at games, but upon replay, I don’t think it’s as hard as its reputation suggests. Maybe it’s the route I took (I went for Grant, but rejected Sypha) but I didn’t have too much trouble beating the game.

Not only that, I realised that Grant is INSANELY good. If you use him right, he can skip hard parts of the game with ease (6-0C, 9-04 etc.)

Also, being sent back to A-02 if you die on Dracula isn’t too bad, he’s not too hard (as long as you get the axe), especially compared to the clone. If you can beat the Japanese version, you can beat the American one.

One day, I’ll try Alucard’s path, and maybe I’ll hate it, maybe I’ll love it. But for now, it’s a fantastic game.

When I first played this version, I was so burnt out by the American one that I just used save-states, so I couldn’t notice any of the difficulty changes. On replay, I beat this game legit and GODDAMN is it better.

The American Castlevania 3 was so hard that it became a slog to play, while this game is a lot more fair. It’s still the hardest of the trilogy, but it’s never really hard (except stage 9). It’s an absolute delight to go through. The final boss is a bit too easy though.

Man, I hate localisation changes.

Alot harder than the NES version, but it makes up for that by being really fun. It is a slog at times, and playing it through twice is annoying, but it’s still a really great action platformer. Sad that people usually play the shitty NES version.

I can’t fucking take it anymore. I don’t usually shelf or abandon games, but if I play this game for another second, it might actually kill me. It might seem overkill, but I mean it. This game is so bad. It’s SO BAD.

Worst game ever made icl. I hate you, Dimps.

For some reason, i like this version way more than the mega-drive one. Maybe its because of the music or extra space to make moves.

no one here beating my high score of 213, get on my level

Def the biggest difficulty spike in Nintendo history. How do you go from easy as hell, to whatever the fuck Wario's castle is

I really have a soft-spot for older beat em ups. The final stage is a bit bs (that final boss) but that doesn't hold this game back too much. Its still a sort of mindless button masher, but its just fun.