Even better on replay. Damn near everything is perfect, but my only problem is STILL the length. Wish this game was longer, but since there are no saves, I guess it was better making the game only 7 levels long.
I hope Alien Soldier is as good as this, if not better.

I feel bad giving this game such a low rating, since i like alot about it. The different endings, the gritty tone, the experimental music, the ability to run, and the fact that its more story driven than the previous games. And then i remember that samurai boss with like 9 health bars, and I suddenly don't feel bad anyone.

Jesus Christ, this game is hard. Hard is an understatement. This game is FUCKING hard. Hell, i've even heard some people say that streets of rage 2 on mania is easier than this game on normal mode. And while i only beat streets 2 on normal, i wouldn't be surprised if it is. On top of that, those motherfuckers over at Sega hated children so much that they made it so if your playing on easy mode, the game ends at stage 5, and you aren't able to progress any further.
They also decided to bring back Mona and Lisa as the stage 2 boss. Fucking BS. They aren't as hard as they were in streets 1, but still.

Unless you want your life to be dedicated to beating this, I would recommend using the 9 lives and round select cheats if you want to get any ending other than the bad ending on easy.
I've heard that Bare Knuckle 3, the Japanese version, is easier, so once i get my hands on a translated rom, ill be able to give my true thoughts on this game.

For now, fuck it.


except for the jetpack enemy. fucking hate him

I got to stage 8 on my first try with a life and 2 continues left, got through every boss in the boss rush without losing a single one, then lost all my continues and lives to those fucking twins. At that point I just gave up and used the 5 lives cheat. I HATE THEM.
stage 3 and the boss themes are amazing though so i'll let it slide a tiny bit

puyo-puyo if it was shit

Fantastic game, but a bit too easy? It might've been because i was playing on normal, but I breezed through the game with only a few game overs (except stage 11 and 12, they kicked my ass more times than i can count). Anyways, that's not a complaint, i should've just played on a higher difficulty, and YOU should play this as soon as possible.

Basically puyo-puyo under another name. I like puyo-puyo, but i also suck balls at it. I couldn't even get past stage 3 on easy :(

Finally beat the last 2 routes, the missile and ultimate being. Although i wish there was more to play, this game is mentally draining. Getting a perfect run with no deaths, only to fuck up on a boss you thought you had perfected is soul-crushing every single time. But once you get it all flawless, and you hear that final stage cleared music? Yeah, this is the best Contra imo


always used to think that if you got 10000 score, your internet would just come back.

I'm gonna tell Santa I want Ballz for Christmas

I don't know shit about wrestling, but this is easily the best NES sports game i've played so far, I genuinely don't get the low rating

why the hell did they think grid-based movement would be a good idea in a game like this

Really unpopular opinion, but i LOATHE this game