i'm gonna kill that fucking dog

its funny at first when the police car pass by and the 2 characters try to act nonchalant, until you nearly win but then lose all your progress because of that goddamn police car

very ambitious design choice to make it so the ghosts flicker so much that they're basically invisible half of the game, and then make them still able to kill you while invisible. Absolutely incredible stuff

if you beat or 100% this game with maria then you're a pussy

Pretty decent mega man clone, its fun UNTIL you get to the space tube. That shit was brutal.

quick side note, after i finished the game, i wanted to see whether the konami code did anything, and a black screen appeared saying "Sorry! Nothing this time!" idk if i was the first man on earth to discover that shit but it was pretty funny

Had no clue you could hard drop till i looked in the options menu. would've been nice to know

Sonic 2 just gets it right. Every single zone is a banger, every single track is a banger, every single boss is a banger (apart from that damn laser) hell, they even made getting continues easier. Damn near flawless.

I love when beat em ups have 0 invincibility frames, so i end up getting gang raped by 2 enemies (usually those fucking skeletons that never die) so much fun.

Even if the frame rate was choppy, and it was hard to aim exactly at the enemies, i still had a great time. Thank the lord for save states, wouldn't have got to the end of the loop without them.

Whenever reading reviews about this game, i always see shade get thrown on labyrinth zone, and honestly, i think its undeserved. Yeah, i can see how someone could find it boring, but for me, its thrilling. Trying to get the air bubbles in time, trying to dodge attacks, etc. Honestly, instead of labyrinth zone, we should all have one common enemy, Marble Zone.

I would rather stable my balls to a wall and hang 10 ft from the ground than play that piece of shit. If i were to lose my sight, hearing and touch, and stay like that for the rest of my life, it would still be more fun than marble zone. FUCK MARBLE ZONE.
Rest of the game is pretty ok ig

Even though it brought Astro mans' stage and Wily Stage 3 into existence, the game is still fantastic on most other factors, having banger's like Tengu man's stage and wily stage 2. The anime cut-scenes are iconic.

man i sure do love having to press A 37 times just to be able to ascend a single inch

Shit goes so hard. Badass weapons, badass music, badass bosses (even if Green and the final boss were a bit too easy), just a great game overall. Only complaints are the space shooter level, and the length. Come on, 7 levels?

Beautiful game with fantastic music and controls, but may also damn well be the hardest Castlevania of them all. 2 fucking continues??

The best mega man since 2, I love everything about it EXCEPT Wily Stage 2. Fuck that.