Played this on a Arcade in Tokyo. I played with Akuma and got beat the hell up against a Sakura. God damn japanese :)

Think like a skyrim but without the open world and with a direct objective and linear storyline (altho in the end you can make a choice to get a good or bad ending). I absolutely loved to play this game. The combat and the mechanics of this game are much better comparing to skyrim.

7/10 for PS1. 2/10 for GBC.

Mad nostalgic feel right here

I mean, there's so many better stuff to play without internet...

It has knuckles, I approve.

Music bops. Pixel Art is great. I just hate level design and the gameplay, so much.

The Sonic of Looney Tunes. I actually prefered this to Sonic. Depends on the Sonic. If it has Knuckles then I'm open for discussion.

here we go. this game made me fucking cry like a fucking baby in the end. I love this game so much. The story is great. Characters are so very peculiar. I mean, Rockstar really knows how to make a fun game and add a great storyline to it. Plus, the Western setting is amazing. I actually bought the game because of the undead DLC thingy (because I was into zombie shit and wanted a ps3 zombie game to play online with friends) and turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time.