84 reviews liked by A4s6d5



Podríamos decir que esta fué la primer experiencia de straming en vivo con ayuda del chat de la historia

Too hard for me. I really admire the people who get into this game to the point of mastering. But it is not my case.

Insane boss fight tho.

What if Enter the gungeon wasn't as good

Este juego es mi vida entera a partir de ahora

A história desse jogo é digna de Oscar.

que buen juego lpm tqm silent hill 2 ojala poder ir a silent hill

Muy buena secuela, algo olvidado, pero es enteramente disfrutable.

um dos poucos jogos que faz um extremo bem uso das 2 telas do Nintendo DS, as fases são curtas porém bem dinâmicas e a dificuldade é padrão contra
porém acho que em muitos níveis existem inconsistência do level design e muitos chefes são injustos

Interested in Battletoads but haven't played it yet?
Maybe you were the only kid on the block that could clear the Turbo Tunnel and you want to revisit the glory days?

Check out this Prep Kit! It's full of 1991 magazine coverage, Nintendo Power comics, advertising, art, and LOADS of merch all to help get you in that Launch Day mindset! There's even a TV Show pilot from 1992 in there, check it out:


Let me help make every game you play feel brand new, no matter how old

Much better than Samus Returns for 3DS.