This game’s good and all but if you fucking pick Ness I will break your switch with a sledgehammer.

Look how they massacred my boy…

You get to fight a steak.

And because of that, this game is automatically flawless.

First Impressions (didn’t pay for it my brother is a fan of this series so him buying it was an inevitablity)


Literally nothing special. Nothing to it. Story’s meh, gameplay is nothing special, but reload animations are solid.

Also wtf the sound design on PS5 is so bad, there was literally no audio from characters for the first few cutscenes and the slide audio sounds compressed

Great gameplay, but fuck man that story is appaling.

I don’t know why, but I decided to replay this game. Maybe it was to see if I should sell my copy of this game for Fire Emblem Three Houses. This game doesn’t know whether it wants to be lighthearted or have a dark tone. For example, the scene where Sonic “dies” is dark, but even after, he continues to make jokes. Which reminds me, if you’re going to spend the first few minutes trying to make me believe that Sonic is dead, don’t tell me right after that he’s actually alive. The level design is a straight line throughout all 30 levels. Each level can be beaten in 2 minutes. I was so disinterested with the story that I kept skipping cutscenes. If you’re going to shove 2D sections into Sonic and the OC’s stages, may as well not include Classic Sonic.

But I do have some positives, like the soundtrack actually being pretty decent, or how the graphics are actually pretty good. But that does not save this piece of crap game.

Still excited to play Mania.

IT'S NOT MELE-oh wait a second.

May not be much of a good game or have any substance but was my first introduction to the series so I have to give it some praise on that alone

also wtf the animations here are more detailed than sword and shield

I remember blowing up the tutorial world as a kid, lmao.

May not be a complete return to the series roots, but it's enjoyable for what it is.

If you've never played this game, you're lying.

same shit as league now on mobile

bonus points for removing text chat and everyone sucking at the game

Fuck Nocturne, Fuck Persona 5, fuck Persona 3 FES, Fuck Digital Devil Saga, fuck Jack Bros., fuck every other game in this stupid series.

This is the real best Shin Megami Tensei