All time favorite arcade machine
I can still hear the sounds of the screams echoing in the laundromat

still think about Alicia and Welks

First thing that comes to mind when I think of the PS1 era

Uchikoshi's mind is very interesting. Cool character designs forced into an awkward anime comedy/mystery novel that tries desperately to be serious at times and fails. Turn your brain off and pretend you're watching a late night cartoon show. Don't play the sequel.

This is where I should've given up on Uchikoshi.
After many years, he ended the Zero Escape series in such a disappointing and confusing fashion. At least the memes and threads on /v/ were hilarious.

One of the greatest horde shooters of all time

Why was it so boring...?
It didn't feel right. I can't explain it.

Embarrassing after they hyped it up to be the new Left 4 Dead. That game is timeless, this one is not.
However, on it's own, it's an okay game.

Best Toon Link game.
I don't care what anyone else says

erase the users from this world