Times Sonic has Canonically Ate Shit

Nothing here!

Killed by Shadow in a couple of endings
Gets paralyzed along with everyone who isn't Shadow in the true ending.
Gets shot out of the sky in first Tornado segment
Gets put to sleep by Eggman in after leaving the Casino
Knuckles knocks some Chaos Emeralds out of him that Eggman Swipes up.
Damn Eggman was just kinda on his A-game in this one huh.
Arrested by the military twice in one day.
Lands face first onto English soil upon being Isekai'd
Game starts with him shot, dead, and buried. Holy shit
Infinite got the crew together and beat the shit of him.
Got thrown like a baseball by Giganto.
You wouldn't get an eldritch time-consuming abomination to beat up Sonic and send him to the nostalgia void, he's just a little guy, and it's his birthday, he's a little birthday boy.
"Dr.Robotnik stole his damn shoes"
Eats asphalt after first high speed chase against Jet and crew.
Board got blown up, allowing Jet to win a race and do some shit involving Babylon, what's with this game huh.
Died in a Mephiles drive-by
Eggman, with a shit-eating grin, dumps our blue friend from Scrap Brain Act 2, to Labyrinth Zone Act 4
Got the Super smacked out of him in the intro
Flushed into sewer
Got zapped so hard in the intro that he became feral, then got dumped and landed face first into the Earth.


1 year ago

My MC!

1 year ago

Sonic Labyrinth, Dr.Robotnik stole his damn shoes.

1 year ago

List has been updated accordingly

1 year ago

Sonic and the Black Knight - Opening Cutscene
In Adventure he gets ambushed and gassed by Eggman after leaving Casinopolis

1 year ago

List updated, ended up getting alot more suggestions from a friend.

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