This piece of shit is so fucking awful it probably violates the geneva conventions.

this game is basically doki doki if doki doki was a decent game

Lovely game, clearly on a bit of a broken state as its prone to low framerates and non working survival mechanics but it's got so much charm its unbelievable, probably one of the best games to release in the past 5 years.

Disgusting western developers could learn a thing or two from this marvelous piece of software.


extremely disappointing.
ill give it two stars just because aubrey an basil are cute.

Ru-ru-ru-ru! this is persona 5 but good!

Pretty much a beta version of subahibi, a bit less pretentious with lots more anal sex and futa.
Also Otonashi Ayana is disturbingly hot for some reason.

Jokes aside its worth reading just 'cause of Yasuko's route and Numinose II.

I've been thinking about this game for the last few days after beating it and the only thing i can say is that its just magical.
While not the most complex story out there, its characters, sound design, music, voice acting and presentation are insane and when you combine all those aspects together you get something that quite frankly i havent experienced before in the vn genre.
By far type-moon's best work and its not even a competition, give it a try even if you are one those normies that cant stand reading.


For real tho i loved her witty, sarcastic and teasing attitude, seeing things from her point of view was at least for me way more relatable and entertaining than with Suou.
How they managed the dynamic between her and Chidori was great and the mystery sections while a lot simpler this time around, were a lot better.

i dont mind the shock value and shit but the writing is just fucking awful

shit felt like watching a shittier and more degenerate version of squid game without an ounce of cohesive or interesting dialogue

the law of balance prohibits me from commenting

i suddenly remembered playing this piece of shit some years ago and decided to check what is up with supermassive games after all that time.
to my surprise, they are still on the business of making shitty movie horror games.

stay as far away from this mediocre company as possible and western horror entertainment in general, instead save your money for Project Zero - Mask of the Lunar Eclipse coming March 8th 2023 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, GayStation 4/5, Nintendo Shitch and Steam.