Another game I used PTO from work to stay up for 72 hours and beat 100%. It was filled with insane bugs and I played on potato settings. Since then, I have played with mods and every update. I have done all dlc and additional changes. Edgerunners gave the game a second lease on life and I am here for it. Most companies don't make right on their promises, but at least CDPR was able to with this.

I only uppercutted and stared at boobs as a kid. Peak gameplay.

I have to give this game zero stars because of one time I beat my friend at a summer camp. He then stuck his hand into the couch, grabbed an old pizza crust out of rage and shoved it into my mouth. He was so angry that his body reacted violently.

Didn't care about this version of the game only boobs tbh boobs are god

I personally really enjoyed it. Transformation scene getting its’ own anime song that plays everytime is great. The gameplay is a bit repetitive, the actual comboing is pretty cool tho and the ending is extreme sequel bait but I won’t be mad if I have to wait for it. Also collecting cats is cool.

One of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had. Playing with friends is a blast. The best ten dollars I have ever spent.


One of those summer games on the arcade machine games. I am not sure that I ever beat it, but I spent hours on it trying with friends.

This game woke up something inside of me. Something deep. A monster that lurked. I can not explain it but once I started playing this game, it all changed for me.

This game was extremely cool and badass for me as a kid. I did however have horrible experiences and memories of it because I just sucked at it. But it honestly holds up.

Not only do I love rhythm games, I love shadow dropped games. The sub and dubbed voice actors were both great. I would love to play a follow up game.

I had no idea what was different about this game as I was still playing my red version. But I found out about flying and surfing pikachu and lost my absolute shit.

Lazy enemy design and levels. I enjoyed the dark fantasy story but there isn't much there. A very weak way to end the series.

Another fighting game I had no business playing as a kid. I loved it but only for the blood and boobs.