It is basically the same game as the first. I appreciate them making traversal faster but I will not glaze them for copy and pasting a game. 70 dollars for 30 hours to 100% is insane. Borderline tech demo. Lots of bugs.

A well made and fun refreshing take on an open world Spiderman game. The miles morales addition was wonderful and enjoyable.

An amazingly perfect game by fromsoft. Every boss challenged you and felt fair. The middle of the game and last boss tests you as a culmination of all the skills you have been taught. Most games don't need sequels, but I'd welcome one.

Fun in short doses but not really for me.

Loved the gameplay and story. I pulled all the automata characters and dipped.

Shining example of a perfect fromsoft game. Everything from the gameplay, to enemy and boss design, weapons and art style shined. I would eat up a sequel game. If Dark Souls can get multiple sequels, why not this???

Extremely fun and probably the best game in this modern style of platformers and metroidvanias. If only the sequel would actually release.

Played as a child and loved every second. I had no idea what was actually happening but I have very fond memories of it.

Fun but overhyped. The game dragged on way too long. Every game doesn't need a happy ending, but this game could have benefitted from it. The protagonist is one of the most likeable in a long time.

Not for me but I see the appeal. My review would probably be higher but I could never make any houses that weren't ugly.


I used PTO to stay up for 72 hours and beat this when bleed was broken day 1. The game was fun, don't get me wrong. But the copy and paste curse of the bosses hurt its' score. It also felt apart thematically in the back half. There were also a large number of bugs present in the game that got fixed eventually but I shelved this by that time.

Kratos has evolved to become a true man and father. This reignited my passion for the wolf and cub, great dad trope.

A fun and fresh take on the series. I felt the world was bare and not very populated but the point of creating your own fun blankets that issue slightly.

What a wonderful example of how to be a man with acceptance. Fully growing and creating a world with for yourself with your own hands. I have no idea where the series is going, but I welcome the hell out of it. I am including the amazing Valhalla DLC as well. I liked it better thematically than the base game.