I played this years after its' release on a friends computer. The time travel mechanic blew my mind. To this day, it is one of my favorite sonic games.

This game woke up something inside of me. Something deep. A monster that lurked. I can not explain it but once I started playing this game, it all changed for me.

Very clean and well made platformer. Great music and art style. I wish it was longer.

This was the game at the time. I would say heat and shoot threes as a kid. I missed them but that's not the point.

Not the biggest fan. It was extremely clunky and the gameplay made me not care about anything happening in the game itself. I revisited years later and it aged like clerks 2.


One of those summer games on the arcade machine games. I am not sure that I ever beat it, but I spent hours on it trying with friends.

Loved the addition of the different types of shields and I thought knuckles was SUPER cool. I remember getting stuck at a part and one of the guys my mom was seeing at the time helped me. I called him by the wrong name and it caused a fight between them. I will never forget that, thanks sonic.

What if sci-fi mech game had feelings and time travel

For me the first game hit hard but not as hard as this. Tails being able to fly blew my mind as a kid.

The first game I actually remember playing as a kid. I had no idea how to do anything. I do have fond memories of getting stuck at multiple bosses.

Lazy enemy design and levels. I enjoyed the dark fantasy story but there isn't much there. A very weak way to end the series.

This game was extremely cool and badass for me as a kid. I did however have horrible experiences and memories of it because I just sucked at it. But it honestly holds up.

I played this in arcades well before resident evil and this game/series is way more goofy. Zombie ninjas? of course, why not.


Yeah this game was almost perfect. I loved this as a reboot. When the game went full tilt with no interruptions, it really shined. The music is also an awesome bonus.