A lot of people love this game, I wasn't a fan at all.

Pretty solid shooter where you point, click, and actually kill the person you are aiming at. Unfortunately, it gets boring after a while playing, but the people on voice chat make up for those boring times.

Well, it is fun with friends... But that's about it.

One of the better digital puzzle games that are out there. Yes there is a lot of DLC, but there are almost 100 puzzles that are offered for free and through in-game currency, plus monthly challenge puzzles every single month.
I don't even mind paying money for the DLC as they usually go on sale for at least 75%-90% off during the big holiday sales. Plus I know I'm getting my money's worth for the time invested.

Unfortunately, I could never get behind the battle system in this game. It did give us Castle Oblivion so that's a plus. But this game is pretty forgettable because of the combat.

A fantastic improvement enhancing what was great about the first game and pretty much getting rid of the negative things. The only downside with this game is that I didn't have a whole lot of fun with some of the levels.

People don't realize how incredible this game was. I don't think I've ever had more fun playing a Non-2D/3D platformer Sonic game ever. It was such a cool concept that was done to a decent degree. The only real issue with this game was that it was not user friendly whatsoever. You kind of just had to figure things out yourself. Once you figure that out though this game was a blast.

This is another one of those Video Game Hall of Fame games. Tekken 5 was actually a breaking point in my gaming career. I had played fighting games before, but this was the game that forever got me into the fighting game genre.

This game truly had it all. Great characters, great stages, an INCREDIBLE story mode, arcade mode was tons of fun. You could even play all the old Tekken games within this game. OH DON'T FORGET THE LEGENDARY SOUNDTRACK. The Devil Within was also a fun game mode as well.

I will forever miss playing this game with my brothers/friends almost every day for years. It's too bad my main from Tekken 5 Christie Monteiro is just a relic of the past now.

Was great ages ago. Got really bad from Seasons 10-19. This season is looking more promising, but this company refuses to listen to it's players.

A fun platformer with a lot of replay-ability. Each character adds a unique twist to game, which keeps things interesting. If you are the competitive type, there are leader boards for each game mode to conquer. Overall, if you like platformers then I suggest at least giving this a try.

Oh, and the Dev is insanely motivated to create an amazing experience. So props there.

Not much else to say other than ALIENS ARE REAL

Some of these little buggers were hard to find. Well done.

Price point is rough for about 10-15 minutes of gameplay

I'm biased simply because I love cats


I have mixed feelings about this game. On one hand the short story really didn't stick with me at all. If the game were a bit longer the story could have been fleshed out more and could have taken a more relatable route.

On the other hand, the arcade games. THE ARCADE GAMES. I was not expecting these arcade games to be so much fun. Not only that, but they were also mechanically very well made. I usually expect arcade games like these to have poor mechanics or wonky controllers, but both of these were in excellent condition. These arcade games really carried this game to the point were I can happily recommend the game and hope that maybe there is a sequel sometime in the future.