Another arena based games that my brothers would play against each other all the time. We had no idea what we were doing, but I remember fighting my youngest brother all the time on the ice level with Augumon and Gabumon.

Child me just did not understand this game.

Child me enjoyed this game even though I spent the first 8 hours of play time coming in last over and over again. I eventually figured it out and completed the game. Not much good to say about it though.

My go to "fighting" game as a kid. Funny enough, my parents bought me this game growing up thinking at was a nice peaceful game and this was FAR from it. Child me took it all in and took the time to complete the game eventually. Could have been something more incredible if more time and care was put into developing this game.

5 year old me had fun for about 2 hours before I never touched the game again


The first THPS game I ever played, and the last one I fully completed. This was my favorite THPS out of all of them. I actually enjoyed the "Goals" system and really enjoyed the level designs. All those days I was home sick was spent playing this gem of a game.

THPS 4-3-1-2-3-4 was the order it went for me. I started this game in 2004, but got my hands on THPS 1+2 before I got far into this game. The level design was great plus the addition of the revert was game changing. I had some of my highest score runs in this game, but I didn't love the levels like I did in THPS4.

Has some of the most iconic levels and a great soundtrack to boot. It was a jumping point for the rest of the franchise and I had fun playing it.

Honestly, my least favorite out of the 4 PS1 games. As a kid I just wasn't a fan of the levels or overall feel.

It was difficult for me as a child, but I really loved platformers at the time so I eventually figured out how to beat it. Pretty average Sonic game though.

A huge step up from the first installment. Significantly better level design, better stages, more fun boss fights, AND TAILS. Seriously though, this game is timeless.

Still one of the greatest Sonic games in the entire franchise. Has arguably the coolest zones and level designs with an amazing soundtrack.

Cool idea at the time, but horrible execution. Horrible controls and a sheer lack of enemies.

My first Mortal Kombat game. It was alright. Scorpion was fun to play, but man were the fighters not balanced whatsoever.