82.8 hours of chill deep sea fishing/exploring. Dave the Diver is an incredible Indie game that combines the exploration and fishing adventure with the restaurant management gameplay. Dave is a diver, that has been tasked to uncover new fish in the Blue Hole Depths to help Cobra's new investment "Bancho's Sushi" to become a major success. The game starts out as you are simply just diving and hunting for fish to sell at the sushi restaurant, but it turns into so much more than that. It turns into a massive deep sea adventure to discover a hidden civilization and to help save them. Dave the Diver truly has it all... Deep Sea Fishing, Exploration, Quests and RPG Elements, a gear crafting and leveling system, boss battles, minigames, sushi restaurant running, employee management elements, fish farming, normal farming, opening a second restaurant, card collecting, and so much more.

Dave the Diver is the ultimate chill indie game, but has an incredible amount of content. There is a wonderful story to the game, but it is highly replay-able to capture every fish, explore every nook and cranny, and become the best restauranter in the world. The replay ability is there as this is a good relaxing game compared to all the others I play. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in something relaxing, but also fulfilling content-wise.

2,400 hours over 8+ years and 4 different consoles. This game was my favorite game for the longest time. Unfortunately, the acquisition by Epic has only led to the game having less of a future, but I still love it nonetheless.

One of the highest skill games out there with the flexibility to be as creative as you want with your movement/combos. There is no "sure fire way" to win as you can utilize so many different abilities, ultimates, movement mechanics, combos, weapons, and soul jades to get a competitive advantage over your opponent dependent on the situation. This game will knock you on your ass constantly no matter how good you are. The question is... Are you ready for the challenge? Or are you just not good?

Solid puzzle game from the Developer of Pixel Puzzles Ultimate. There are 25 space related puzzles ranging from 60 to 330 pieces. Took me about 9 hours to finish them all and get all the achievements.

You can really tell the sheer amount of love and effort that went into this game. The opening cinematic had me incredibly HYPE. THE MENU MUSIC WENT CRAZY. The fighting felt fluid and natural with beautiful environments. 32 Playable characters at launch is CRAZY. Even the "Arcade Quest" mode is pretty cool and really well made. Overall the experience so far has exceeded my expectations. Don't let the negative reviews fool you. This game is incredible.

Update: Adding a Cash Shop and Battlepass is a no from me. Dropping this down a bit in the rankings because of that.

"Walked through the main door only to be decapitated immediately by something who was staring at me and watched my corpse being dragged into the abyss. We made the Quota though so I guess that was worth the PTSD."

Seriously a fun game to play with a group of people who are enjoying some "adult beverages or adult recreational things". Modding it makes it even better.

Fun Arena-Shooter that just needs some more content/free skins. Very entertaining gameplay, but needs that extra "spark".

One of the greatest video game franchises to ever exist. It all started with this game. Now this game isn't perfect by any means. There are a lot of controls that are finicky and some of the worlds are a bit confusing. Nevertheless, it is an incredible game that started a legendary franchise.

Great franchise and good game. I just grew up too late on to really play this when I had a PS2.

The greatest game in the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise. This game had it all. Organization XIII was an incredible addition added as a threat to Sora and friends. Adding that in the with heartless and now nobodys... Sheeesh. Seriously though, this is the pinnacle of gaming and has a very high spot on my Hall of Fame.

A great Sonic game that I thoroughly enjoyed despite all of its flaws. It wasn't anything amazing, but I have such fond memories playing as Team Chaotic. Also this game had a top tier soundtrack and great level design.

A turn-based Genshin Impact, but better. Honestly the character designs are superior. It's still Gacha game at it's core, but you can still thrive as a F2P player.

A great introduction game that took me way too long to finish as I ended up losing my copy of this game as a kid. Thankfully I was able to get a copy later on. It was pretty difficult and had meh controls, but was a great game nonetheless.

I have so much nostalgia with this game. I first played it at my neighbors house and as soon as I did I bought my own copy. The minigames in this were hot ****, but the overall stealth gameplay was fantastic and led into what is one of the more loved series to this date.

One of the greatest racing games ever made for the PS2.