What holds this game back from being the perfect party game is it’s steep learning curve. The controls are not easy to pick up for a first time player, and can be a great source of frustration. I’ve always struggled to setup games for house guests because of the amount of explaining I have to do, and often people lose interest mid-game.

But if you’re able to play with friends who are patient and competent enough, then it’s some of the greatest fun you can have.

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Had to bring out the Rock Band drum kit for the torture mini game cuz my thumb wasn’t strong enough to get past it.

Not a complex shooter, but definitely the most visceral I've ever played. Very inspired by John Woo and Max Payne, resulting in a spectacle of slow-mo explosions and excessive dust clouds. But for some reason, Monolith decided to also take inspiration from The Ring, so this is also a horror game. It's not a very scary one though, meaning the player has to suffer through a bunch of down time designed to "build tension" instead of exploding clone soldiers into red mist with a shotgun. Still, the series never got better than this one.

It's unfortunate that every other developer, including Monolith, forgot the lessons this game taught. Every FPS should have the particle effects and clever AI of F.E.A.R, but apparently games aren't allowed to be fun anymore.

Always thought this would've been a great e-sport because it's perfectly balanced, with both players sharing the exact same move-set. But apparently half the fun of fighting games is arguing about overpowered characters online.

This game is perfect but apparently you guys needed a remake because of tank controls? I love tank controls! Go fuck yourself tank controls haters!

So insightful… so relevant… so boring…

Sorry, I’m not a fan of excessive exposition, especially when most of it occurs in the codec zone. Half these cutscenes can be removed, specifically the ones that reiterate info that we already know. Kojima assumes we have more questions than we actually do, often feeling the need to explain shit nobody was asking such as “why does Emma wear glasses?” As for Kojima “predicting the future”, while I doubt he was the only one at the time to have these observations about internet misinformation and the military industrial complex, it is still extremely forward thinking to include these topics in a big budget video game in 2001, especially when you consider this thing released 2 months after 9/11.

With Kojima you gotta take the good with the bad. You can’t have the inventive gameplay and clever meta-commentary without the drawn out conversations loaded with awkward dialogue.

My first attempt to play this game saw me forcing my way through the Catacombs early on and giving up when I got stuck. I didn’t love this game until my second attempt, where I created a new character and got a rare sword drop from the first black knight which carried me through the entire game.

Like many I got this from a cereal box as a kid. I did not understand the concept of a loan at the time, thinking it was just “free money”. I just wanted to create rollercoasters with a million loops, so whenever I couldn’t buy anything new because I didn’t pay anyone back, I would just create a new park. Simpler times, better times.