Ada is phenomenal and can’t get over her now. Leon is always overshadowed by the women in the games and this is no exception.

Absolutely astonished on what a game can do! Leon and Ashley are phenomenal together.

The story was really great! I had the natural feeling of saving Ashley. I was so worried for her every time she was caught. I was - let’s say acting up on my male nature to save her. I was actually saddened by the fact that I beat the game, it should’ve been more! The gameplay was top tier too. Every weapon was fun using. A huge improvement on the Inventory system from RE2 and RE3. I hope they use this style of inventory management again in the later remakes.

I’d say buy the game now! Don’t forget the DLC too
A platinum trophy 100% coming!

Absolutely astonished on what a game can do! Leon and Ashley are phenomenal together.

The story was really great! I had the natural feeling of saving Ashley. I was so worried for her every time she was caught. I was - let’s say acting up on my male nature to save her. I was actually saddened by the fact that I beat the game, it should’ve been more! The gameplay was top tier too. Every weapon was fun using. A huge improvement on the Inventory system from RE2 and RE3. I hope they use this style of inventory management again in the later remakes.

I’d say buy the game now! Don’t forget the DLC too
A platinum trophy 100% coming!


Camera Angle is fixed. I didn’t like that about the game. It completely ruined it for me.

Before you are reading this review. This is not about the account linking fiasco of PSN. I played it on the playstation 5 and I wasn’t effected.

Guns, friends, Tea, bugs and clankers! What more do you want in a game? Well I do. Gameplay got very stale and there were ton of bugs that I experienced. Nerfing of weapons became a normal thing. At first it seemed like a really fun co-op shooter with friends. But as the time went on, I wanted to play my singleplayer games again.

Stunning game with the most beautiful story I’ve ever seen. Choices are really the main thing about the I really like.

I love Harry Potter.
Game is really fun, but no post-game missions or activities.

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This game is fun.

Cal has got that W Rizz

In the beginning it's pretty fun. But it gets pretty boring after a while. You should just play Watch dogs 2 if you want to play watch dogs

If you are a spider-man fan, you have to try this game.