One of the most interesting puzzle games I've ever played. I like how they tease you that they can take the concept even further, but still keep it relatively simple as not to scare anyone.

Most rage inducing game I played all year. Had I went for 100%, I'd need a new monitor.

Name a better game series. I'll wait.

Played alongside @blhampton. Not my preferred style of game, but I loved it. Looked beautiful, and the relationship between father and son makes the game. Can't wait for the second one.

Not as good as the first one, but sill a fun time.

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Well I loved it. Made me cry from the beginning, because it's clear that the relationship ends, but you unravel the reason throughout each chapter of the game.

Don't really know what I played, but it made me giggle. My Xbox achievements were glitched, so I may have 100% it, but I'll never know.

For a sequel to have a 16 year gap, and still feel like an extended DLC to its predecessor should really speak volumes. Unfortunately I didn't play the original in its prime, but I think having played it a year prior to this one only made me enjoy it more.


Up there on my favorite multiplayer experiences to date. Plus the story is pretty good! Played with @UrThirdCousin and @blhampton

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Wow. One of the few games I've played that I would classify as mystery instead of puzzle. I loved everything about this game from the art style, to the storytelling, to my guy Omid who I kept finding in the most precarious of situations.

When a friend first recommended this to me, I remembered how much of a trudge it was to get through Octopath as a JRPG, and I was turned off by it. Holy shit am I glad I picked this up though, because it finished as my number one game of the year. I theorized from the start that the writer behind the lore came to the producers with intent to write a series of novels, and they persuaded them to cram it into a game instead. I desperately want a sequel to this. Garl's the GOAT.

I was very excited to play this, but I was kind of let down by lack of everything. While there wasn't much to complain about, the game just felt empty.

For those wondering, it turns out you can break open a ribcage with a duck.