I'm not done yet, but god damn this is endlessly addicting

It's still Braid, but just better in every way. The additional content is also kinda crazy and I wish more games would do things like it.


Replayed this one! I don't know if it exactly aged well and I still do seriously struggle with the overall "point" of this game in terms of its themes, but I do think this is an insanely important game and one that I'm really fond of

My girlfriend got me to play this one and it's honestly pretty fun. The abilities are fun, the variety is nice, and the atmosphere is charming. The biggest problem is the vast amount of unskippable cutscenes and just how short this game is. This game expects you to replay levels yet refuses to let you skip cutscenes you've seen multiple times before. It's frustrating and ruins a lot of the otherwise great levels in this game if you go for 100%. I'm sure if they fix this one problem then Peach can have a genuinely great game.

It's really hard to rate this game. I wish I could say I loved it, but I don't.

Don't get me wrong, I think the gameplay here is really solid. Playing with my girlfriend to complete puzzles, compete, and just have fun together is really great. The problem is not the gameplay.

The story, however, is shockingly poor. The writing feels lazy and actively annoying. The characters are unlikeable, their conflict frustrating, and their dialogue cringeworthy. They act less like parents with reasonable conflicting perspectives and more like spoiled children. This makes progression somewhat bittersweet since the gameplay always stays fresh while the actual plot progression feels forced, messy, and annoying. I get the story isn't the point here, but it's constantly inserting itself, so it's really hard to ignore

This humorous co-op horror game trend is actually something I'm in love with. I'd like a little bit more depth but I really do hope this genre grows

Second time around. I still think the themes are solid. The palpable sense of hopelessness, the NPCs, the sense of degradation that leads really nicely into DS3, it's all here. However, I noticed all of the cracks so much more this time around. I noticed the poor areas, the underwhelming bosses, the frustrating combat, the absurd difficulty spike of the DLC, and the lack of cohesion. It's really disappointing that it's SO much clearer when things aren't fresh. It still has some cool things. It's still a fine game. I just don't think I'll play it ever again.

Replayed this one. Still really holds up despite the poor second half. It's honestly something I can see myself returning to time and time again. It's become a cozy game for me.

Really solid point-and-click puzzle game. Perhaps it could have used a few more significant branching paths to fully deliver the themes and intent, but I appreciate what's here and how the game creates a pretty cool experience based on choice

God damn. I was kinda expecting to be let down, but I think the concept of giving a player an objective and letting the player decide how they reach that objective is just an insanely strong game design choice that has, so far, always been engaging and compelling. Breath of the Wild and Metal Gear Solid V really nailed that and this scratches that itch that I've been looking for since I've finished those games. I loved my time with the game and I can easily see myself returning to it consistently.

I won't lie; I skipped the cutscenes. I really did not see myself being able to be engaged by any story here, but I doubt that's the point anyway. The gameplay here is supreme and just plain fun.

This is one of the least subtle stories I've ever seen. It fails at being a compelling story and fails at being a game immensely. I love Silent Hill, but this is not Silent Hill.

I thought at some point I'd find something to complain about, but no. This is a perfect survival horror game, and one of the most visually stunning games I've ever played. Aesthetically, this is breathtaking and literally flawless. In gameplay, it nails exactly what it tries to do. In tone, it is insanely strong.

Even when Castlevania is mid, it's still pretty fun

I'm not sure if I'll finish this one but I wanted to at least log it. I didn't grow up with this game at all. The RE4 remake blew me away so I wanted to see what the original was like. It's clearly a groundbreaking game for the time. It deserves its flowers for what its done. However, I find it hard to go back after all the improvements the remake made, and find myself just wishing I was playing the remake instead. I have no hard feelings at all towards this one. It's pretty damn fun. It plays great for being the grandfather of 3rd person shooters. It just feels like something I don't need to experience in full right now. You may disagree with that as much as you'd like.


I'm someone who hasn't played the original yet, but still, this was just amazing from start to finish. It's insane how a complete restructuring of the Resident Evil formula at a base level doesn't ruin the experience and still retains a lot of its charm and personality in new ways. It's just really, really, really fun to play. I can't remember when I cared to S-rank a shooting range minigame, but this did it. I'm not sure what it was, but it reminded me of the experience I had playing games when I was younger, despite having no experience with the original.

As a remake, I can't judge it. As a game, this is phenomenal.