I wanted to love this game. Aspyr's previous Star Wars re-releases like Republic Commando and Episode 1 Racer were really good but this one falls short in many ways. I don't hate this as much as everyone else does, though the game has crashed and kicked me out while trying to join online matches multiple times, the single player and everything else works perfectly fine for me to still enjoy it to some extent.

It's not the worst LEGO game out there...but it's far from the best either.

A cool idea that could have gone a little further. Feels like Portal and Stanley Parable combined.

Despite some characters over explaining plot points you already know, everything else about this game is superb. It's a well realised open world with a fairly decent story and the amount of depth to be found with specific elements (like the Room of Requirements customisation) is pretty great.

This thing called me obese when I was kid....what an arsehole.

Eventually got through it. Possibly the best remake I've played since the Final Fantasy 7 one.

Had to lower the difficulty at one point because it was kicking my ass but the gameplay, story and characters are all pretty damn good.

An enjoyable but very simple platform/collect-a-thon. It could have been better but it also could have been way worse.

For a mobile card game, it's actually pretty good and very addictive.

This game is fun for like 30 minutes....then the joke starts to wear off.

I didn't get very far before I pussied out....but it shows just effective it is. Right?

I could play this game for hours.

I realise this game may not have aged the best, especially in terms of controls and graphics, but I still think the original is very underrated to this day.