13126 reviews liked by Abdulla_Alsaleh

i wish that people appreciated this game a lot more, i have yet to play anything as unique, interesting and cool as this; whether it comes to the characters, the insane yet mindblowing story and storytelling and the overall game design which is something that i wish other developers would also try to take as inspiration
i can understand shinji mikami's regret for this game not selling better, as it is one of the most unique and creative experiences a game could ever provide

I 100%'d this game. Uhh...I guess that's supposed to mean I liked it?

-- Enemy AI for bosses ranges from bad to just plain screwed up (looking at you, optional bee boss)

-- Moreover, some tactics for boss fights require you to just do ridiculous but simple things in order to get an edge over said bosses. In the case of one boss, you have to repeatedly jump into and out of a death pit (you don't have to fall all the way down into it) because you can't jump over the boss or use your wall jump to get higher than it.

-- The music doesn't loop properly, so every time you enter a room, the music for that area starts over again. Hope you don't clear rooms too quickly!

-- I guess it's a Metroidvania because there is gating, but the gating feels questionable and is tied to new arrows you get that are actually pretty awful for using on regular enemies, so you pretty much just use your new arrows to make progress and stick with your generic arrows for damage.

-- Healing seems to be busted, at least if you want to play with the D-Pad on a controller because it will let you move left and right just fine, but if you press Up, you heal (whether you wanted to or not). This gets worse when you attempt to fire arrows while falling and sometimes the game just decides that what you MEANT to do was to heal right then. Also, if you die while you're healing, don't worry, you'll hear the heal prompt go off on the "FAIL" screen just to let you know that it understood what you wanted to do and just didn't feel like executing it while you were alive.

-- The dialogue is varying levels of terrible and also needed some serious translation work.

-- It really doesn't take much effort to get from the endgame requirements to 100%ing the game (like maybe an extra 30 minutes of gameplay), but I think it says something that about 20% of people that have played the game have beaten it, but only 5% actually bother to 100% it. I am one of those suckers that bothered to do it.

-- There's no final boss. Well, not really. There's A BOSS that's in the way of the last area before you go back to the beginning to finish the game, but it has about as much impact as any other boss in the game and the exact same music.

-- When you die, you're warped back to your last checkpoint you rested at and all progress you made is reverted. Yes, if you beat a boss and died before reaching a campfire, you get to fight the boss again. It's one of THOSE games.

Do I have anything good to say about this? Well, it only took me just over four hours to 100% it, so I guess it doesn't make you suffer for too long!

Seriously, it's not good. But if I 100%'d it, I feel obligated to detail my thoughts and I feel like I could probably write a lot more about the failings of this game, but I'll just say that if you're really in dire need of a Metroidvania, maybe you pick this up at 75% off and punish yourself accordingly. I got it for about six bucks (35% off) and I regret the purchase, but maybe your mileage may vary!

I love being prejudiced against the villagers I hate and getting excited for them to move away.

Streets of Rage 2 is a shotgun blast to your brain of flavour, with an impossibly good soundtrack. Not without it's flaws, Streets of Rage 2 is the best authentically retro beat 'em up experience you could ask for.

Primeiro contato com o a saga e gostei bastante!

Uno de mis juegos favoritos ever, se lleva un run todos los años y hacer el de 2020 en Megradrive en una TV CTR ha sido el mejor de ellos. Jugadlo.

(sonic's ultimate genesis collection 26/40)

there's not so much to say, really! it takes everything the first game does and does it better lol. it still gets pretty unfair as it goes but theres nothing really as ludicrous as the stage 5 boss in the first game

This kind of beat-em-up just feels so mindless.

I do enjoy the art though.

People laud this as one of the best beat em ups ever, but honestly I didn't find it anything special. I've played ones that are more fun.