31 Reviews liked by AboutFollower03

awful quest structure and padding galore combined with disappointing story and gameplay makes this one very mid

god came down from the heavens and went to square enix to tell yoshi-p to make final fantasy xvi

honest to god one of the best fg story modes ive ever gone through in my entire life

I was massively disappointed by the ending. I'm also annoyed Sega chopped off the post game and is selling it for 20 bucks when the game is already 70 freakin dollars. Otherwise the game is great and there's a ton to do.


It's the only word that comes to my mind when describing this game. Is it actually perfect? Fuck no lmao, the game is riddled with all kinds of bugs and crashes. Yet why is this game so perfect in my eyes that despite all the bugs, despite all the times I was stuck in a loading screen and was forced to lose progress, why do I love this game so damn much? The answer dare I say is actually pretty simple. It's the dedication and passion of Obsidian for this game that lets me see past the loading screens past the crashes past everything. Yes that line was cringy but I don't really care there needs to be shown some respect for the developers and what they have created, a game where you are completely free to do what you want, be who you want and go where you want. This game honestly hits it right out of the park, all the way from the game giving you the tools to accomplish being who you want to also granting you various choices in quests that will leave you second guessing testing how you or the character you have created would act in a situation like that and the game almost always will end up leaving you with that feeling of uneasiness, that feeling of not being sure if you did the right (or wrong) thing, I absolutely adore stuff like that.

The characters are also well made making for some fun interactions just by seeing the type of people living in this post apocalyptic wasteland just trying to live their every day lives to the best of their abilities.
The companions are a treat, they all have their own backstories personalities, likes and dislikes and will even give you quests to further progress their own story its brilliant, its beautiful no longer are you trusty companions just that one npc carrying your stuff, you actually start to care for them.

The factions are all really good (although Caesars legion is prob my least favourite of all of them) each one of them having their advantages for if you choose them to be the best choice for the mojave, while also possessing just as many disadvantages.

The DLC are also all amazing all of the containing their own story that just leads up to one of the best final confrontations in a videogame period. However I believe I'll go in depth about those perhaps another day

Final rating:
Masterpiece / 10

stands on near equal footing to replicant, my favorite game. easily one of the best games ive ever played

Thanks to this game i fell in love. After months of being embarassed i finally found the courage and asked my love out on a date. Yesterday in preparation i went to the wiki downloaded a file called maya.png after that i got some candles.png (for the atmopshere hahaha), got dressed, cooked some burgers (her favourites), took pictures (she was so shy hahaha) and we had so much fun.

decent game but the gameplay gets old fast and the enemies are so boring to fight, also the grind for materials was awful.

NieR Replicant was a very fun time for me, but it had a lot of glaring issues that were hard to overlook. The games narrative was a bit lacking, the game tries for too many emotional beats, and having to play the game 3 times with little to no variation on playthrough makes it an absolute slog.

ATLUS cannot miss, i swear to god

it's good because it's pokemon but it also sucks because it's pokemon

Childhood is when you idolize Travis Touchdown
Adulthood is when you realize Jasper Batt Jr makes more sense