The weapons need a complete rework but its amazing in every other aspect

The only fighting game I will ever play

I dislike the market and community.
Also can we stop pretending that this is better than Valorant

Incredibly bad bosses in the base game. Kos wasn't interesting enough to make me suffer for 10h. 30 fps? really?
Best weapons I've ever seen.

I don't even know if this was good or not, but it was the first game I ever bought on steam

Really good game, definitely worth to buy.
Act 3 was disappointing and the final boss was extremely bad. Somehow didn't romance anyone.

This game was amazing but they took it down for some reason

Droprates don't need to be this low and crafting recipes are overly complicated for no reason, but this is good.

Wasp is probably the best first boss I've ever seen in any game


Might be really good, but after playing it for 30 minutes I just wanted to return to other games. Watched a friend play it and he really enjoyed it

Just not as fun as I thought it would be

Amazing game with horrible boss fights