After playing through the game 2.5 times for the Platinum trophy. I can say Stellar Blade is good game. Clear high points in the music, combat, and I'd also want to reward it's art. Naytiba designs are all over the place but some stand above the others. The world is interesting, however our vehicle to navigate it is kinda boring. EVE is all hands no charisma. I'm assuming that was the writer's intent that she doesn't really have too much going on up there however the highlights of the game are when you see a glimmer of personality in her. This game splits genre hairs as it isn't quite full on character action but also not a Souls game either. That said, the tropes from both genres blend together well and will keep the player on their toes.

Been playing the Japanese version since the 3rd anniversary. As a gacha game, it's tends to be on the generous side for F2P gamers, as a whale it could improve it's sale structure but it has gotten better. The game is currently on it's 9th anniversary and this feels like a fantastic with a good challenge. I would recommend for any DBZ fan to get in when the 9th anniversary reaches the Global platform!

Really enjoyed the game, I didn’t really grasp the deep tactics and eventually was just copy pasting loadouts I saw online but it allowed me to enjoy the game much more.

I liked the writing for the characters, overall A-plot was fine but the smaller interactions that happen in the game did a lot for me.

Enjoying the game so far, has a lot of charm. Only point of frustration for me so far has been how much dialogue there is between our Catagonist and the fellow animals.

A lot of visual novel here. They made it clear with the marketing however the dialogue pacing left me with too much time with my thoughts than to read.

The grid based tactics combat was underwhelming as well. Game does benefit from multiple playthroughs however I'd only recommend this to hardcore visual novel fans, not digimon fans.


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I enjoyed Tunic. Combat was snappy, the use of perspective and exploration was well designed as well. I think the manual is spectacular. I do find the end game puzzles to be more tedious than clever but still can appreciate the work the team put in to this game.

A powerhouse of beauty and performance. Some questionable decisions made by Polyphony but gameplay wise, GT7 is crisp and a delight.

Releasing with unqiue mechanics and rock solid netcode, DnF looked to be the next juggernaut of the FGC. The downfall is in the competitive balance and sequencing of content. There isn't anything for players to come back to outside of rebalances which pushed players out in the first place.
If you are looking to get in a Fighting game in 2023, please wait for Street Fighter 6 or pick up Guilty Gear: Strive.

Persona 4 Golden provided mostly great party members. An A-plot that is compelling and has you asking questions every step of the way. An all-time soundtrack that Shoji Meguro absolutely cooked for along side the other talents. Fixes to the post combat shuffle time that can be felt in the modern games as well.

This is the most pleasant gameplay experience of the the series. It's a MG Sandbox that if you can think it, you can probably do it. I don't have a sour taste of the story due to it still fits within what MG wants to portray.

This game was a lovely history lesson to the Yakuza series. This is the first game for me in the RGG-Verse and I never felt left behind or out of the loop. It allowed me to both be caught up while still making me interested in going back to previous entries.

Looking forward to playing other gems by RGG Studio!

Played the PC "Remastered" version. I enjoyed the A-plot of this game. The mystery isn't really trying to make you guess (naturally you are a detective) but the narrative itself is compelling and well directed cutscene/dialogue making this an immersive experiences. I foudn myself loving Yagami and wanting to do everything, great on-boarding for folks who have never played a Yakuza game and feel overwhelmed by the amount of time the games could be.

The games they have are great time-wasters but would love to see more. If they ever plan to add stuff I would be looking forward to it.

I don't think SOP:FFO is a great game however, I do think it's important. Games are old and treasure their history, and SOP:FFO felt more like a celebration of Final Fantasy than a bastardization. I think if people allowed devs to have fun with their IPs more, we'd get more interesting games like this.

P.S. I want to hang out with every party member in this game.

I think this game is rad. The fishing, mining, and farming don’t feel super polished. The attack options are fun, upgrade system is fine. It’s not the greatest in genre but worth a play if you enjoy similar games.