Not convinced me at first but it has its charm and its a very well designed two player co op game, looking forward for it takes two. Also, loved that it can be played by people not used to games and it's also an enjoyable experience

First of the year, took a week or so, almost a 100% finished, a silly story in a good way, love the battle mechanics, also enjoyed the happy and the sad moments, the open world is a good point imo, don't understand what people mean when they say they didn't liked the game, is an awesome Mario

Even tho I didn't finish it yet, I enjoy all of it (till level 11 where I got stuck) music is awesome, story is interesting and overall is an excellent platform game, one of my favourites

adorable story with great mechanics that may fall short a little because of (imo) lack of music or spoken dialogue, not a bad experience at all, just would improve the already awesome game

awesome game, surreal and challenging enough, definitely one of my favourite game of all time

such a good and lovely story, lots of jokes and so much fun, a simple yet a good

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I enjoyed every minute of it, a really nice complement to the breath of the wild story, also canon, since, without spoilers, this story takes place in another timeline, and if you are familiar with hyrule historia, you would understand that's possible

incredible ending, never expected something like this from a game so innocent, relaxing and beautiful, truly one of my favourites, an obligated game due to both duration and story

yeah, I rushed and usually don't do that, but this game got me so hooked, being a newie to the series, really enjoyed the difficulty and the learning curve, I'm far from complete it, as I have a lot of armors to forge, and weapons to try and improve, such an addictive game can only be loved or not liked

I finish it by mistake, I didn't want to yet, but I was looking for some kologs seeds and saw a big red giant bag hanging from the ceiling at some point and thought "oh what a nice big red giant bag, I want to take a picture of it" the rest is history smh

Really really good game, one of the best combat mechanics I've seen in a game, even though this is 80% story, 10% puzzles and 10% combat, one of my favourites

In my opinion, a funnier and superior sandbox to gta, it's awesome to feel like superman with the responsibility of a 5 yo with a sims game, a very sadistic 5yo boy...

A great Mario platformer, necessary in every switch console out there

kind of short, but one of the best coop experiences, also very funny, with references to movies, previous games, even the Mario Bros games (yeah, would be obvious in this game, but is always nice), very funny, and if you want to master it you're gonna have a very good time, I finish it in 17 hours with my not-so-into-games brother, so it was very pleasant