My Launch Board Games

"Hey, haven't you been making too many lists on this website?"

So there's probably already a name for this, but have you ever played a game that got you interested in trying other games similar to it? Whether it's the genre, the franchise, the developers, or maybe even tone of the game; it can take just one game to start a new obsession. I decided to call these "Launch Board Games" but chances are they already exist under a different term. Digression aside, I heavily encourage other people to share these kinds of games.

Got me try other boomer shooters. I also bought Dusk simultaneously during one of those bundle sales, but I played Amid Evil first.
Not only made me more confident in playing difficult games but also got me to readily seek more challenging games. And of course I've played as many Souls games as I could afterwards.
Yes I played the GBA version. Even if it isn't my favorite genre, 2D platformers are still a good time. And this game showed me why.
Encouraged me to try the rest of the Dragon Quest series. Even if I don't harbor the same love as other people, I still enjoy Dragon Quest a good amount.
For the longest time this was my favorite fantasy setting and I became a lover of fantasy ever since.
Turned based RPGs that weren't related to Pokémon. I get why people don't like this game, but this is honestly one of the most memorable games I've ever played. Chock that up to being an impressionable kid, but regardless it still means a lot to me to this day.
Metroidvanias. I know people hate that genre name, and that's fair and I don't care but that aside it is a type of game that hits all the right beats for me.
Not just the Kingdom Hearts series but also Action RPGs in general. And maybe anime now that I think about it more...
The first Zelda game I truly became invested in. Went back to try Ocarina and Majora's Mask, and then continued with Spirit Tracks.
Oh man, just looking at this cover art makes me so nostalgic for all the Lego games I've played. Was always a fun time goofing around with my siblings in the hub world. I remember one of them was playing Gonk Droid, who moves like a rock, and I would kill all the other playable characters so that they couldn't swap to an actual usable character.
Love Monster Hunter so much, though I wished I learned of it from a less awful YouTuber
Pokémon franchise, and I've never been the same since.
The Ratchet series is still one of my favorites, even if I'm admittedly not as invested in it nowadays.
Atlus RPGs have infestered into my mind ever since I first played this game.
The first Shovel Knight was both my first indie game and also the very first digital game I ever bought. Started to really appreciate the little games more after this (though Shovel Knight now is massive)
I love that purple dragon. And somehow the next game I played Enter the Dragonfly didn't immediately kill that love. Though in fairness I was very young at the time. Kids can play through a lot of really bad games and just accept it.
Became a fan of 3D platformers. I still think it's atmosphere and vibes are very strong yet charming.
RGG Studios really impressed me with this. Nothing I played afterwards may've exceeded this, but I'm still more then invested to play their other games.


7 months ago

Forcing your sibling to play as the Gonk droid is peak sibling harassment

7 months ago

This such a lovable list, it's always good to reminisce about the games that were/are so incredible that made you want to try even more stuff like it. Amazing list and collection, might make a version of it in the future, if you don't mind of course xD

7 months ago

@ZeDuderino There's something so charming about a playable character that is completely useless as a joke.

@DeemonAndGames Thank you for the kind words. Of course anyone can make their own list, I'd love to see more like these so long as I get the residuals
AAAAAA someone else who started zelda w phantom hourglass!!!! i thought i was imagining that game i don't know ANYONE who's played it til now

7 months ago

@coralqueenkanans For real, Phantom Hourglass was a childhood favorite despite never beating it till waaay later. I legitimately got stuck on one of the tutorial puzzles with a rat and a key. kid me wasn't very smart

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