733 Reviews liked by Alphillim

One of the best at Chilla's, the game is beautiful and it managed to give me good scares. Chilla's never disappoints.

That's all, I have nothing to say.

This game is a misunderstood masterpiece of the genre. It subverts expectations set by other titles such as "the game must be somewhat enjoyable" by being absolutely dogshit. 10/10 would drag my balls through hot asphalt again

what a horrible night to have chlamydia



10/10 would telefrag a lovecraftian great old one again



richter from castlevania's bizarre adventure

samus please stop sticking your arm cannon into everything that has a hole

can someone change the icons for these games please they look really fucking ugly in my profile and i don't want my stranger internet friends to think i'm a weeb

why does doi like sentai designs so much

the true bullet hell were the friends we made along the way