I've played this game a lot of times over the years, however this year I made the decision to get every achievement (platinum equivalent) for this game, I don't necessarily care for achievements normally but I wanted an excuse to play this again... all achievements took 4 full playthroughs and I enjoyed every minute.
This game built on what BGS built in Fallout 3 and Obsidian took it a different route, it introduced a lot more humour and more vibrant locales and landscapes, it featured more fleshed out quests with multiple choice endings, the DLC hit the mark too, I highly recommend this game, especially on Xbox Series X as it 'uprezzes' the game very well

I used this game as a little pallete cleanser title in between bigger titles.
It has charm, tonnes of it infact, it involves building up a farm, it has features similar to Stardew Valley with a lot more bugs and issues, however despite the issues I persisted, ended up getting all achievements without too much issue, it's an alright game, good little game pass title

I've played this game a fair few times now across the generations of consoles and most recently on my gaming PC, this game is a masterpiece in vanilla (unmodded) form but when modded with some of the insane player creations... god it gets even better, getting it to function correctly is a game in itself, but once you've got some good mods working the game just gets so so so much better, I think the modding has injected a further longevity into this title as timeless as it already is

I was recommended this game as a light little palette cleanser title, i'll admit it is very charming and relaxing to play, the gameplay involves creating little biomes out of essence and then farming/fishing/forage different essences to create more diverse biomes whilst managing a little village with different district... it gets quite repetitive and monotonous but it doesn't require too much thought so I enjoyed it for what it was

I enjoyed the parkour and movement in this, it felt very fluid, the narrative left a bit to be desired personally, I really did not care for the characters or main quest, the side quest's writing made me sigh audibly a fair few times... But taking a step back and just enjoying this game for cliché zombie violence and parkour fun and you'll appreciate it

I remember booting this up on launch and being bombarded with some of the craziest bugs I'd ever encountered in a game so I put the disc back in the case and left it for a while for a tonne of patches to be implemented... and now god is it a game worth playing, it has one of the best main narratives I've ever experienced in a game and the majority of the side quests were very notable too.
Would I recommend this game now? Yes I would

A fun little sim game, I found some of the criteria challenging but fun regardless, with each new Hospital came a new set of challenges - one thing that really irked me was having to monitor patients movement patterns to detect disease or if they was an alien imposter, that level of micromanagement lowered my enjoyment

This game released too early in my opinion, the multiplayer is very good but it suffers from lack of content, the campaign was alright - the open world was a refreshing change in some regards but it took away from the narrative. Gameplay wise = good stuff.
This game also is negated by the fact it doesn't offer Co-op campaign or Forge modes yet... It would of hit all the more better if it released in a complete state

I've played this a few times now, but I thought it's time for a finale replay, mopping up all achievements and experiencing it for one last time, let me add that has been 'uprezzed' because of Xbox series X, it made it look not as dated but the game is still a green tinged brown simulator in terms of colour palette, but in terms of gameplay and quest narrative this game was so far ahead of it's time - a real testament.
I enjoyed the base game and all the DLC expansions

A Pokémon clone from an indie developer, I played this AFTER playing Nexomon Extinction and I defintely prefer the sequel to this, this game isn't bad by any means, I enjoyed it and mopped up the achievements, it's refreshing to play a game in the Pokémon style that isn't in that universe

A little indie game I finished in a day: the premise is you have an exoskeleton suit that can manipulate nature growth/degradation, so you can run about at fast speeds shooting 'orbs of growth' for lack of better terms, it had a nice little original story and the gameplay was okay for what it was, a nice one and done game

I got this game on sale and it was still not worth it, although I wanted to get my money's worth so I played the campaign and completed it, it was OK, I just was emotionally invested in the writing at all or the characters for that matter. One positive I can somewhat give this title is that it can be quite fun learning the characters playstyle (Flying about as Iron Man is good fun) - Overall I wouldn't recommend this title, if you want a superhero feeling title play Spiderman or Infamous Second Son or Batman Arkham Knight, this doesn't quite hit at all


This was my first foray into a 'rogue-like' game, and I tend to avoid games of hard difficulties... however this kept getting recommended to me so I dived in. And god am I glad I did.
Let me be real, this game is difficult, you will die, you will fail at a boss and have to start right at the beginning however you'll strengthen as a character in game and you'll become a better player - It is so so so rewarding watching yourself progress - I highly recommend this game

I loved Two Point Hospital so I had to give Campus a go and it was just as good, I've completed every campus and collected all 36 stars and I had a blast, it mixes the fun of the sim with the difficulty of some of the challenge criteria to increase the campus' rank, the later campuses had me racking my brain for the logic to complete the puzzle, for terms of content there is 12 campuses with different themes and a 'sandbox' mode i'm yet to check out, the greedy player in me wanted more 'stuff' to put down on campus though so there's definitely room for DLC in that regard, it's a good little sim game overall and I hope they add more content moving forward