31 reviews liked by Andriuz

Broke mfs hating on mario for getting his bag... SAD!


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Great 3D platformer and metroidvania, though doesn't hold up as well in terms of combat, with attacking feeling quite sluggish compared to the platforming.
Side note: The wall jumping here is one of the best implementations of the feature I've seen in a 3D platformer, taking into account approach angle when bouncing off and having the extra uses as a move for stalling in the air and recovery if you barely miss a jump.
Power buildup over the game feels amazing and well paced and while the game doesn't overstay its welcome, it is definitely worth playing just for the platforming alone.

Che dire del "patriottico" Vampire Survivor...
Sono rimasto folgorato da un gameplay fondamentalmente semplice, in cui esiste solamente un comando, quello del movimento. In un certo senso, si può dire che sia un gioco che si gioca da solo.
Pieno di armi, power up, modalità di gameplay, segreti, personaggi giocabili e nemici, ognuno dei quali possedente una descrizione unica, Vampire Survivors ha il grande pregio di riuscire a tenerti incollato al pad per ore ed ore senza mai annoiarti.
Altro aspetto che ho trovato interessante è il fatto che venga premiata la sperimentazione: più armi diverse usi, più abilità diverse acquisisci, più personaggi diversi utilizzi, più aumenta la probabilità che a fine run si sblocchi qualcosa di nuovo e interessante, come livelli, armi o personaggi. Ma non solo a fine run, anche nella run stessa è possibile, tramite certe combinazioni, far evolvere le proprie armi, in pieno stile Ratchet & Clank.
La trama in un titolo come questo è, chiaramente, secondaria e trascurabile, sebbene abbia degli spunti interessanti nella sua assurdità nosense.
L'unica, grossa, pecca di questo gioco è che in fin dei conti sia esteticamente antiquato e con un level design banale. C'è poca esplorazione all'interno delle mappe e, soprattutto in late game, diventa un po' frustrante dover rivedere sempre gli stessi pattern ambientali per tutta la durata di tutte le partite.
Fortunatamente, questo non basta per cancellare in me il ricordo di decine e decine di ore di relax e divertimento.
Consigliato a tutti, soprattutto agli italiani che potranno comprendere meglio le citazioni e i giochi di parole.

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Its weird to think that without this game, there may have been a chance that I wouldn't be around now to review it nearly a year later. The games underlying themes of death and rebirth spoke to me in a period of my life when I was at my lowest, and I think in a way, it also allowed me to begin the process of closing that dark chapter of my life and to keep moving foward to other doors that lay ahead of me.
An example of which could be seen in the Death Arcana, one of the 22 major arcana present throughout the entire series. While negative connotations have been previously associated with it, there is also an alternative meaning behind it. It can signal that one major phase of your life is ending, and a new one is going to begin.

That is partly why I have come to cherish this game, and to an extent, the franchise, so much. Even though from here and there it does seem to have its.. rather dated flaws in some places (e.g the hermit/magician s.l), the positives that the game, the story, the writing (in most parts), the character arcs have shown me throughout my near 731 hour playthrough far outweigh said negatives in my mind.

As for how i got so many hours in a game that only has 90-100 hours of content in... Tartarus was quite addicting in its gameplay suprisingly, even if it was merely just a spiritual predecessor to Mementos in a way. Also i thought that the final boss needed to be fought at like max level so there was a lot of grinding involved. I can definitely say that im never going to spend that much time on something like that again lol.)

I actually beat this on my actual NES because I'm completely insane -- this was another endeavor that took almost an entire day with getting up and walking away in frustration from time to time, and at the end I remember being so enthralled that it was finally over that I threw the controller down and bent over my own knees, feeling some fire-y mix of relief, rebelliousness, anger, pride... It was the kind of personal emotional experience that only a game that is hard enough to push you almost to your limits can give you.

And this game is hard as hell! But if you like the original Mario, which I do (it's one of my favorite Marios), this is just that but 10x harder, so the gameplay stacks up great against other NES games. Still Miyamoto threw some real garbage in this game, like a warp zone that only takes you back several worlds, and if you get into it you can't get out.

I would basically never recommend to play this on FDS to anyone, and will always say go play the SNES version on Mario All-Stars instead -- it gives you a checkpoint after every sub-world instead of a checkpoint after every world (collection of 4 levels) like the FDS version does.

However if you really want to torment yourself, give this one a go on this system. You will regret it. But if you stick it out and see the ending, I won't tell anybody if you feel so accomplished as a gamer that you cry a little bit while the ending music is playing.

4 - Great: A good, solid game that is enjoyable

Super Mario Bros 2 Japan is rough, it's mean, it's downright cruel, and to be frank it's also just completely disgusting to look at.

And I'm not even talking about my dislike for the details they added to some of the graphics like the cocoa pebbles ground. It's the fact that Miyamoto and his crew apparently forgot that games should still be enjoyable even if the difficulty is ratcheted up several magnitudes. Making the player have to waste their precious time on this Earth to run through boring as shit maze levels is not what I call "difficulty", and neither is getting tricked into Warp Zones that force you into killing yourself via pit or painstakingly allowing the timer to run out to avoid going back to earlier levels.

It's saddening seeing Nintendo give influence to rom hackers and Mario Maker shitbags by placing invisible blocks to break your skull on and send you careening down a pit. Even more saddening that they tried to add the most horse shit attempt at longevity to the game by demanding the player beat the game eight times to access the extra stages in the original version. It's embarrassing, and I really respect NoA for vetoing this pile of shit for western release because I definitely would've fallen off the Mario hype train if I played this thing back in the day.

You could call it the Dark Souls 2 of Super Mario Bros. is immediately shot

The quintessential Mario RPG, featuring Luigi's iconic Striped Socks!