In some ways, this game is bare-bones. The story is sparsely and vaguely explained, the combat only consists of boss fights, and the visuals, while aesthetically pleasing, have kind of a low budget feel to them. These things, however are not negatives. The game keeps things simple to focus on what it does well. The synthwave soundtrack eggs you on to try just one more time to beat that boss that just killed you. The story slowly unravels itself over time to leave you in the dark about the protagonist and his motivations. The combat is fast and precise, this shit gets HARD. Then you have contemplative, slow moments between fights to give you a breather. The game IS a little short, but for those that are so inclined the new game + adds new phases to every boss, and there are also multiple endings. What I’m saying here is that it's one of my favorite games of all time. (OH, and character designs by the guy that did all the afro samurai characters! How cool!)

As someone that likes Mario games AND difficult games, fuck this game.

The lackluster story mode is at least there for those who want a tutorial, but the online components are where the real game's at. The sheer volume of levels available to play is amazing, the unique ways people use items and structure levels is so much fun to discover. That being said, finding good levels is difficult. If you're wiling to sift through the garbage or join an online community to discover levels, you'll find some real gems. This is another one of those creatively driven games I'm a sucker for, I'm currently sitting at 120 total hours and feeling pretty burnt out. If you're not going to participate in the level creation there's honestly not much for you here.

Even though it's more simplistic than it's follow up title, "Mothergunship", I got significantly more mileage out of this game. Aside from it running more smoothly, the gameplay loop was much more addicting and the level design more interesting. That being said, it's fairly simplistic for a rouge-like. There is a lack of items and enemies that's not necessarily a deal breaker, but definitely worth noting. Great for such a small team.

My favorite fromsoft game, from the beautiful settings to the faster paced combat, and the overall quality of life improvements from the previous games. This is also the hardest game they've made thus far (particularly towards the end) and that's essentially the only thing wrong with it.

I don't really have a good reason for giving this such a high rating other than the fact that it's been on my phone for years and I still play it. Watching numbers get bigger has never given me so much seratonin.

This is a goofy shooter with point/combo mechanics similar to the tony hawk games. Your moment to moment concerns will be less about survival and more about whether you should blow an enemy's head off before or after binding them in an explosive chain and kicking them in the testicles. It has come memorable settings as well. Unfortunately the humor did not age well and the game is relatively short, but it's the only game of it's kind.

A really tense tactical rogue-like that forces you to make tough decisions. You will often have to sacrifice one thing to save or prolong the lifespan of another. The game can be played fairly quickly, however. The fact that you can carry a unit over from a failed play through to continue leveling them is a really neat and rewarding Idea. This is a game that forces you to make tough decisions, the essence of a good tactics game! Love the progression between runs as well.The different squads you can begin runs with all have very unique ways of dispatching enemies. The HIGH difficulty and repetitive dialogue wear me down, however.

I’ve put too many hours into CS:GO and Valorant for my own liking, that being said I think I like Valorant more.
(Except the random bullet spray patterns) Certainly a more polished game than counter-strike, and maybe this is the kick in the pants valve needed to give us a new CS game.
This is a longstanding addiction and a great strategy shooter.

I love being able to flex my creative muscles. Besiege is like nuts n bolts’ bigger, cooler brother, the missions definitely run together in my mind but you have a lot of tools at your disposal to make some cool machines and I love that. Pretty good destruction/stress mechanics as well.

I'm the kind of person who likes when a game respects your intelligence. MGS5 has so many options, so many ways to go about completing each mission, that it could easily have been an overwhelming experience. What impresses me, however, is that all of these options exist for you to discover on your own. The game will get as silly or as serious as you want it to. The soundtrack is great, as well. My only gripe is how heavily you are penalized for not going full stealth (because I suck at stealth). The story is also kinda weak but I've never been one to care.

This is the closest thing to the perfect fps we've gotten as a species. This game is smoother and faster than DOOM 2016 in every aspect, the sound design is punchy and crisp, the combat takes skill and thought, there are too many improvements to go through them all here. In summary: FUCK YES.


Modernized the doom formula and proved doom is still THE fps.

This is a repressed memory for sure. Random free 360 arcade game that actually turned out to be awesome. Spend plenty of sleepless nights screwing around with friends in this game.

A drug and violence 80’s aesthetic cocktail. The combat and music alone had me flying by the seat of my boner. The story's cryptic and cool, too.