The track designers really didn't need to go this hard.

By far the best Mario & Sonic game. The minigames are fun and the story mode absolutely slaps. The game js even better in multiplayer!

Nice update with some great quality of life improvements to make a perfect game even more perfect.

YES OMG YES! New Leaf is by far my favourite Animal Crossing game, I have so many fond memories of playing this one as a kid. It seemed like there was always something to do and something new to discover. I loved being able to escape into my own little town, it was therapeutic.

Fun collection of little arcady rhythm games. Kinda simplistic, but kinda fantastic.

The LEGO City Undercover games are probably the best Lego games.

Amazing 2D platformer. Seriously, every level is its own giant 3D model wtf. Donkey Kong has a nice weight to him here which results in a unique feeling when playing as him and the game's difficulty is just right

My very first Zelda game. I have fond memories playing this together with my neighbor. Whenever someone made a new discovery, we'd meet up and share the info. Yet Link's Awakening was still to cryptic for us to actually finish. I'll get back to it!

I have no recollection of playing this game

Incredibly fun tower defense game. Plants vs. Zombies deserves its status as a classic thanks to a great soundtrack, fun character designs and an easy to understand gameplay loop that goes surprisingly deep. It's an icon of late 2000s/early 2010s pop culture.

One of the absolute best Mario sports games out there, it sits at the top with Mario Strikers Charged for me. Surprisingly deep, super satisfying and criminally overlooked.

Inside is style over substance and I'm not even mad. The aesthetics, the atmosphere and the weird world are just too damn intriguing.

I really want to like Ape Out. I love that they made enemies wait before shooting you and that you have three lives (unlike Hotline Miami, where enemies can kill you from offscreen with no warning), the percussion soundtrack and the unique artstyle, but playing the bonus mission "Break In" that you unlock after beating the game made me hate Ape Out. It's just too frustrating.

It seems like the game wants you to play chaotically and think on your feet, since you're a mad ape and the music goes crazy when you do that. Yet, playing quickly often ends in the game punishing you. Playing it safe by hiding behind walls, waiting for the enemies to walk towards you works a lot more consistently, which always makes me think "I wish I could just rush in and do crazy combos". Because whenever I did rush in and survived, it felt exhilarating. But when I went for it and got shot twice back-to-back it made me never try it again. Idk, something about how you get hit instantly after most enemies shoot scares me and keeps me from enjoying the game.

I hate guns.