It baffles me that this was released in 97 when outside of some combat encounters it's as polished and well designed as a modern indie game.
There is tens of thousands of games released after this that are way more jank and often get the "product of it's time" label.
Also that OST slaps.

I generally love metroidvanias and find them to be quite a comforting experience to just play.
But this game somehow managed to be boring to me.

Probably the best one amongst these survivor-type games.

Great atmosphere and environment design.
Playing this I felt quite immersed while exploring and even a bit spooked in some parts.

Fuck the blinding effect though... that shit is obnoxious as hell.

Low durability was a cool way to add resource management as an active part of the game.

I don't understand the point of the rain, all it did during my play through was force me to stop whatever I was doing.
I had to run back to a stable 3 times to reset the rain while carrying the blue flame to the 2nd LAB.

I'm also sure lots of people have had to stop exploring and wait for the rain to stop cause they can't climb.

Difficulty is also a bit strange and a bit all over the place. Enemies on the way to the bird guardian for some reason hit way harder than the final boss.

Fun game doe

Main game is a solid but quite standard RPG with really nice looking animations and fluid combat.

The DLC is crazy difficult even for the recommended levels. It's not far from feeling like a Kaizo-hack which was an interesting experience to see in this kinda of game. I died a lot and ate plenty of consumables while getting through it.

Still enjoyed it even if it felt a bit unfair sometimes.

Finally an indie metroid-vania that takes advantage of it's movement with interesting encounters and terrain.
The tether is very versatile and all upgrades all work towards giving you more freedom when using it.

The level design and bosses really makes you have to think about how the tether works and I feel like it was properly explored as a platforming mechanic which can be quite rare to see.

The map is truly open and doesn't give you an illusion of freedom like most metroid-vanias do.

The City builder and Rougelike sections play along nicely and benefit each other in a way where you'll always spend time focusing on each back and forth without any neglect of the other.
I do think the city builder part of the game is a lot more developed and the rouge-like sections are quite basic and leaves a lot to be desired.
The different weapons aren't great and i always see myself trying to actively avoid some. Combat also suffers from everything being 2D cutouts which makes measuring hit-boxes during combat way too difficult and your only consistent defensive option ends up being the dodge roll with spacing being such an inconsistent option.

I also don't like the art-style since everything has this annoying vibe giving off something failing to be cute.
Babies making adult noises when u interact with them is also really jarring.

I've been very negative but that's cause i like everything I haven't mentioned and generally think this game was fun and addicting.

Solid game all around. The environments were really varied so it never felt like the procedural generation repeated itself like it does in most games that do this.
Gun-play feels good, and the game offered a pretty fair challenge for a single player experience even if it's designed for co-op.

Can't wait to actually play this with someone one day xd...

Gunplay feels phenomenal thanks to excellent sound design and controls. Enemies and environments are painfully forgettable though probably cause it's procedurally-generated instead of actually being designed by someone.

I feel like I probably would have gotten lost constantly if there wasn't a map that shows where i've been and haven't been.

This game might also have the worst final boss I've had the displeasure of enduring.
I don't get why it has to be a DPS check and I don't get why it has to put you through an unskippable cut-scene and a brain dead first phase every time u die.

This might be the ugliest game I've ever played and it's not cause of the "Anime Fan-Service" Aesthetic.
Rabi Ribi suffers from the worst case of style inconsistency imaginable.
The quality, the art-style and even the pixel size feels completely randomized.
And i'd generally say this is worse than when a game consistently amateurish in it's art, cause at-least it's consistent.
For a Metroidvania it kinda loses a lot of the fun in exploring cause of it being such an eyesore.

But I gotta say the combat is pretty fun even if the animations are really awkward.
And the boss-fights are quite fun even if they can be quite dragged out.


A fun little game around 3 hours long.
I think the perspective mechanic is really cool and I can understand why this game has been remembered as an indie classic for so long.

Addicting but deeply frustrating.
The slow awkward physics never make sense.

Fun little game with pretty cool movement.
Not a huge fan of the the stages, they all feel pretty empty and unfinished which is a shame cause I think the movement deserves to be explored further than it was.

I also think the double jump launch might be so good and versatile that it overshadows the rest of Orbos move-set.

(Edit: bumped it up a point cause I remembered the game has mod support and therefore I think the lacking level design in the main-game matters less.)

A really good time all around. Not a very long game but it doesn't need to be.