Destroys every other game in its path. Nothing comes close or is as perfect as God of War. Thanks, Mr. Barlog and keep it up! My expectations have skyrocketed for the sequel, please deliver, I believe...

Just because you suck, does not mean that the game sucks you degenerate Winston main :)

It´s another Uncharted game which basically is: running, climbing, and shooting. What made this stick out is the story that kept me invested. Goddamn, Chloe Frazer is a hottie! SWEATING FEROCIOUSLY

Why am I chasing after flying strawberries and dashing through dark matter? I have no fucking idea, but I love it. < 3

2D platforming at its peak.
The music levels are my favourites, they give you a bit more of a challenge with exhilarating and engaging gameplay rhythmed to amazing scores, both recognizable and original.

Is everything in this game made of styrofoam? Because every time you grab onto something it breaks like a fucking Jenga tower.

What can I say? It´s Breath of the Wild.

Not an owner? Do yourself a favor and buy the game for fucks sake;)

Story was just fine but also idiotic and had awful twists. I like that when you upgrade items such as your armour or your sword, you upgrade all items within that category so you don’t get any anxious over what specific sword you want to upgrade. Transmog is a really good edition if you like to edit your style however you like without taking away your best armour.


I bought this game at a flea market when I was little. I thought it looked really fucking cool. Even though I was a child that had no taste, I still thought the game was horrible.

“Makes you feel like Spider-Man”

[Old review] Best Mario spinoff series. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn't very unique though but It's quite polished and well-balanced despite being a high-paced kart racing game with lots of items.


Mario Kart 8 is the best in the series with immense polish. This is literally one of the best-looking Switch games despite originally being released on the Wii U. I just can't wrap my head around why Nintendo refuses to make a Mario Kart 9 with how well MK8 has been selling. I'LL GIVE YOU ALL MY MONEY NINTENDO! SUPER KART BROS. PLEASE!

200cc is the best thing to ever happen a MK game. It sure can be really tight at times even in turns where you brake-drift to the max, but if you know what you're doing you'll always manage to pull it off.

I hate when people complain about them getting constantly hit by blueshells and say no one else gets them. This is the most ego-narcissistic thing a human being can utter. What I find fucked up though is when you flawlessly go through an entire race to only be interrupted by an unavoidable blueshell and end up not winning and fucking up the entire cup. I propose a law so that you cannot receive a blueshell after entering lap 3.

The ending was suppose to be this huge plot twist but I could see it miles away. I really liked the game though, even though it was a walking simulator…

Played a couple of races in a Tesla, was a cool experience using the steering wheel. The game itself is a bit questionable though.

For being a mobile game, this is as good as it gets.