Spyro was my very first video game. I was 6 years old when I played it in 2004, so I decided to replay it for nostalgia purpose :)

The gameplay didn't age that well. It's just basic platforming, and you do nothing but collect every single jewel you see. But I still loved every moment of it.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in August 2020]
Playtime: 8 hours
100% Completion

The hub themes in Spyro 2 (Summer Forest, Autumn Plains, Winter Tundra) are still memorable 16 years later!

I don't really have anything else to add compared to the 1st game. Being able to swim is cool I guess!

I'll definitely play the Reignited Trilogy when I get my hands on it.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in August 2020]
Playtime: 9 hours
100% Completion

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The biggest innovation in this game is without a doubt the ability to climb everywhere, and the use of the Paraglider to travel long distances. It got me so motivated to take on this huge playground.

The level-design is so deep; the interactions between the player and the environment are endless.
Killing enemies by using the surroundings (boulders, tree trunks), cooking items, shield surfing, the interaction between electricty & metal items, hiding behind obstacles to take down enemies one by one, using the wind to sail across the water, etc... The game physics are just genius, it made for a really rich & intricate gameplay. And I didn't even mention all the cool things you can do with the runes (stasis, magnesis, etc...)

Quite different from previous titles, the music in Breath of the Wild is often quiet, but it fits really well with the core gameplay.
Now that I've finished the game, I have to say there aren't many themes I remember... But Field (Day), Great Plateau (Day), Kass theme & Tarrey Town theme stuck out!

I didn't like the durability on weapons. I was always scared to run out of those, and I was often thinking twice before using my better weapons to take down enemies. It was an unnecessary burden.

Being able to set up waypoints was a nice touch, and conquering Sheikah towers to uncover new chunks of the map was fulfilling.
I spent the first few hours just reaching all the towers to unlock 100% of the map.

There were some great ideas to keep the level-design refreshing throughout the game. I loved the desert island where you need to survive without your gear.
I also liked the forest where it's completely dark, and you need to find your way to the treasure.
I enjoyed the huge labyrinths at the corners of the map. If I remember correctly, there were 4 of these.
And I had fun finding the way to the Korok Forest, in the Lost Woods.

The shrines were quite refreshing compared to the big old dungeons that we have in previous zelda games. The level-design was again really impressive, with tons of inventive puzzles.
But I was a bit disappointed that all the 120 shrines had exactly the same look, no matter in which area I was.
It was a nice idea to turn the shrines into teleporters, once finished. It was a good reward for completing those. I think I did ~100 shrines out of 120.

There were some great side quests; the best one was Tarrey Town. It was really rewarding to build this place all by myself. I also enjoyed the sidequest related to Xenoblade Chronicles 2, being a big XC fan.

The four Divine Beasts were so fun, with how you could change their layout to unlock different rooms. I was disappointed by the Bosses. Each of them was a reskin of the previous one.
The last section in Hyrule Castle was great, and the final fight against Calamity Ganon was a nice ending to the main storyline, despite its low difficulty.

Even though I praised the gameplay earlier, I have to admit I didn't know what to do after finishing the main story. Aside from the shrines, I didn't find anything else to do, and I didn't care about the Korok Seeds.
So I stopped my adventure soon after ending the main story.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in May 2021]
Playtime: 60 hours
Main story complete. I did 100/120 shrines and 110/900 Korok Seeds.

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I loved the vibe of that game. The art-style aged pretty well.

I enjoyed the combat with the timing on the parry, definitely an upgrade compared to Ocarina of Time's combat.

The scene where you learn Link's grandma is sick because she worries too much about her granddaughter was heartbreaking. Probably the saddest moment in the series.

I loved the part in Sealed Hyrule Castle where you have to get the Master Sword. The atmosphere with the lack of colors and creepy sounds really added to the moment.

The dungeons are on the weaker side of the series. The only ones I remember are Wind Temple & Earth Temple, and that's just because I thought it was neat to be able to control the NPC movements.

The game would have also benefited from having a smaller map. The Great Sea is way too big & empty.
Hopefully the Sea theme is magnificent, otherwise I don't know if I would have stuck with it.

I'll definitely play the HD version sometime soon!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in early July 2021]
Playtime: 40 hours
Main story complete.

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The turn-based combat was a bit overwhelming. You have over 10 spells available on each character, but you can win every single fight by only using 2 or 3 spells on each of them.
Basically, you just need to spam the AoE healing spells & the AoE attack spells, and gg.

The battle theme also became a bit annoying at some point. I wish they made a lot more different themes for fights.

Aside from that, the game looks amazing. Definitely one of the prettiest JRPG I've played. The artstyle is joyous & colorful, which I really appreciated.

The OST is quite good overall, despite its shortcomings (not enough variation in the area themes & combat themes)

Stories that involve going back in time are always exciting no matter what!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in mid-July 2021]
Playtime: 70 hours
Main story complete.

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I was reluctant to play that game for some reason. Probably because of its age, I guess... And I thought all the praise it got was exaggerated. But oh boy was I wrong!

It turned out to be one of my favorite zelda games. Definitely one of the best OST in the franchise.
The combat aged really well with the Z-targeting, and the dungeons have great puzzles.

The story is so captivating, with Link going back in time, getting help from Sheik and exploring a desolated Hyrule after the 7 years skip. By the way, I didn't see the plot twist coming, with Sheik who turned out to be Zelda. It was neat!

In retrospect, the thing I enjoyed the most about the game is being lost, having to figure out where to go, or what I have to do. There were so many moments where I was completely clueless, and had to get hints by talking to the NPCs, trying out different items in different parts of the map, etc...

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played between late July & early August 2021]
Playtime: 50 hours
Main story complete.


It's a MMORPG really similar to Dofus. These are made by the same company, and both share the same Universe.
It has the same 18 classes, but their gameplay & abilities are quite different. The combat is still turn-based tho.

The artstyle is absolutely gorgeous, and I loved that it's a dynamic camera following your character, unlike Dofus where you have to move from one map to another on a grid.

The jobs are so much more fun in this game. Not only they can give you tons of kamas (the money in both games), but it's also genuinely fun to level up.
I leveled-up a lumberjack, and I really enjoyed planting the trees myself, taking care of my shrubs, and watching the trees grow. You're encouraged to help other players while leveling-up your job.
For example, I took the habit to let all my trees available for other players every time I had to log off, and I was making sure not to walk over other players shrubs, or cutting their trees.

It's a lot easier to have a team compared to Dofus because you can play multiple characters at the same time by using only one account. So you don't need to subscribe several accounts.
You can also play the full game without subscribing at all, but you can only play one character at the same time if you don't subscribe. It's still really cool tho.

I didn't do a lot of PvE because I was leveling up jobs most of the time in order to get kamas. But I'll probably focus on dungeons the next time I replay the game!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played between August & October 2021]
Playtime: 250 hours
I stopped after reaching level 80. And I got Lumberjack level 130.

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The game would be so much better if it had more quality of life changes that more recent games have:
- The exploration would be more fun if it was easier to figure out where you need to go after finishing a dungeon.
For example, when I reached the Swamp Palace, I realized I needed an item to go through the water. But the game doesn't help you one bit to figure out where it is.
The item is located in a remote place, in a corner of the map. Good luck to find it without a guide...

- The bosses are really good (probably the best part of the game) but it can get really frustrating because when you die, you're sent back to the beginning of the dungeon...

Aside from that, the combat itself was a bit clunky with the 4-directional aiming, but nothing too annoying.

It was really disappointing that all the dungeons had the same music.

The art-style holds up really well after all this time.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in mid-August 2021]
Playtime: 20 hours
Main story complete.

My first Pokémon game.

I understand why so many people love this franchise. Evolving your pokémons can be really addictive, and I think it was fun when I started playing the game.

But the combat became boring really quickly, it's too repetitive and there isn't any strategy involved in the fights, it's just dull.

Nothing makes me angrier than random encounters. The parts where I needed to cross tunnels/caverns were EXTREMELY annoying, because I was getting attacked literally every 5 seconds.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late August 2021]
Playtime: 35 hours
I stopped after defeating the 8 Gym Leaders, but I didn't fight the Elite Four.

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Another great JRPG ! The premise of this game is that you wash up on a deserted island, and as the game goes by, you rescue more & more castaways that were part of your ship.
The main hub, the Castaway Village, becomes more & more lively as you progress in the adventure. It was such a good idea.

The game has that "We are in the same shit together, so we gotta help each other if we want to make it out of here alive" dynamic, and it made me really engaged in the story from the get go.

I can't praise this game's music enough, it's among the best video game OSTs i've ever heard. I wish the soundtrack was fully orchestrated!

The combat was really satisfying because of how fast & dynamic it was, and the Boss fights were tough but really rewarding.
But honestly, the flash and parry mechanics were too powerful because you can reset the invulnerability frames indefinitely.

The setting & music gave such a great atmosphere to the game, I can't recommand it enough.
I had a really exhausting job during the time I was playing this game, and I can't tell you how relaxing & comforting it felt listening to "Drifting Village" or "Home from Home" after a long day of work. The hub themes are really cozy.

It would have been nice if there was a day/night cycle. I recall a very few moments in the main story where the game automatically sets the time to Dawn or Twilight, and that gave such a chill vibe to the Island.
But unfortunately, it's daytime 99% of the time.

PS: If you want the true Ending, do most raids & side quests when those are available. Don't worry, there are only a few of those. The game doesn't have a lot of side content.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in November 2021]
Playtime: 70 hours
100% Completion

An amazing survival/sandbox game. Many people have already said it, but it really reminds me of Minecraft. I spent so many hours just building my base and enjoying myself.

The game looks gorgeous despite the low poly textures because they did such a tremendous job with the lighting. Sometimes, I was just sitting here and watching the sun set. The landscapes are breath-taking.

I was also pleasantly surprised with the music.
Valheim only has ~10 musics but many of those are really memorable. I especially loved the Meadows, Home Base, Black Forest & Sailing themes.
Both Home Base & Meadows always put me in a state of relaxation, the composer did an incredible job.

I'm glad the game doesn't punish you if you don't want to eat. Most survival games are annoying with that aspect. In Valheim, you can focus on building your base, and you don't need to bother about hunger.

I wish there were ladders in the game, and also an easier way to build underwater.
It would have been nice to have a bigger inventory, and they should get rid of that mechanic where you constantly need to have your crafting table 5 feets away from you every time you need to break or build something... This mechanic was the most annoying aspect of the entire game.

Valheim is perfect to play with friends, it's a really chill game :)
You can totally play it alone (that's what I did) but it can become a bit grindy at times. I feel like they adjusted the progression with the multiplayer in mind.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in early January 2022]
Playtime: 100 hours
I stopped after defeating the Mountain Boss, I didn't explore the Plains biome yet.

I'm getting used to the Zelda formula now! :D

Skyward Sword has the best set of dungeons in the franchise along with Twilight Princess. It has by far the best level-design & puzzles.

The music is gorgeous, as you would expect from a Zelda game, so it's nothing new.

And like for most zelda games, I barely did any side content, I just focused on the main story.
I played exclusively with buttons, so I didn't try the motion controls at all.

Skyloft is nice, but flying from island to island was overwhelming and the Sky feels a bit empty. I wish we could travel back to the 3 areas way faster.
Having to ride the Crimson Loftwing everytime I wanted to go back to Faron Woods, Eldin Volcano or Lanaryu Desert was a bit troublesome.

I'm glad they finally gave more uses to the rupees. You need a lot of them to upgrade your items, and it made obtaining them feel more rewarding, compared to the previous games.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in the mid-January 2022]
Playtime: 60 hours
Main story complete.

A puzzle game with a really original concept. Being able to change the rules of the game whenever you want was such a neat idea.

I never played that game more than 30 minutes straight for some reason. I've only played this game in short gaming sessions.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in mid-February 2022]
Playtime: 7 hours
Unfinished. I did half of the levels.

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Another amazing JRPG. I think I love both XC1 & XC2 equally.

I'm really starting to sound like a broken record, but... this game has a perfect soundtrack. Just as good as XC1, for sure.

The combat was an improvement compared to the previous entry, and I think it's the best part of the game.
The system with elemental combos, chain attacks, orbs, the big amount of blades, etc... It made the combat so rich & fun!
There's only one thing that bothered me with the combat; You can inflict different debuffs on the enemies (such as Seal self-destruct, Seal Stench, Seal Back Attack, Seal Blowdown, etc...) but those debuffs are almost never necessary.
I wish this combat's feature was required in a lot more fights.

The environments are gorgeous. Kingdom of Uraya is the best area in the entire franchise. And other areas like Gormott, Tantal, Leftherian Archipelago look really good too.

I wasn't a big fan of the main cast. I couldn't bring myself to like Rex. His design is really ugly. And I'm tired of protagonists being really young & naive kids when all the other party members are young adults. God it's annoying.
I liked Zeke, Pandoria, Morag and Brighid tho; and the vilains were great. Amalthus was my favorite antagonist.

I also wish they got rid of all that blatant fanservice, it really disserved some moments of the story & cutscenes.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in April 2022]
Playtime: 180 hours
Main story complete. And I did A LOT of side content. But this game is extremely long to 100% so I didn't go for it.

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My first Visual Novel. I wasn't aware that there were psychological horror aspects to it. I initially bought that game because I wanted to play a romance game :D

I liked the writing and the different plot twists in the story. The "horror" moments work really well, and the "romance" parts are really cute. They did a great job with the art-style & music, nothing groundbreaking.

I liked how you could get different reactions from the other characters depending on how you wrote your poems.

The gameplay was really meta, with how you need to edit one of the game's files to unlock the true ending.
Great ending btw, the dialogues with Monica were pretty clever!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in mid-May 2022]
Playtime: 13 hours
100% Completion