I liked it back in the day. Tbh it’s hard to go back to playing without the wing suit.

It does it’s one thing really well. But that’s all it does

It’s good. Some parts don’t hold up as well in terms of heavy-handedness of the message. It’s no Full Metal Jacket or heart of darkness, but it’s still worth playing.

I like customization. And the stealth is fun. Just kinda janky unfortunately

I like Star Wars. Love OG battlefront 2. This isn’t it. What’s here is fun, but it just feels like it could have been so much more.

It was fun. Nostalgic feeling despite never playing this as a kid. Simplistic and antiquated a bit though.

Idk. It’s just fun. Mindlessly blowing things up

Tbh. I’ve put a few 100 hours into this game and have never even beaten it. Never even found my son or anything. I just like base building..

Idk I liked it. But I like collecting stuff and completing map objectives..

Played so long ago, I’ve forgotten if it’s terrible or just mediocre

Wish they would’ve released an anniversary edition on 360

I liked it. Obviously playing it now, makes it harder to appreciate how groundbreaking it was. But it holds up well still

Go to Mario kart until 8 deluxe