Nostalgic. But does not hold up well at all.

My go to smash game until ultimate

Hard to be objective as I loved these as a kid. But they kinda suck

Got it on a whim. Honestly good game

Idk. I didn’t think it was that bad. But I’m not a Pokémon Megafan by any means

Played a while back. Remember it being fun but forgettable

Wife played this one. We enjoyed them.

It was fine. Prefer the older stuff, but my wife and I had fun with this gen.

Was actually my first Zelda game. Don’t remember it that well; but played it on vacation.

My wife says this one is great. I prefer FireRed

Fun time wasting puzzle. Never advertised itself as more then that, so it’s just fine.

Played it on EZ-Flash. Beat it, and immediately hunted down a cart to own.