this is an ubisoft game in disguise

Yeah I'm gonna have to sit on this one some more. Amazing peaks & bosses(tho some are too early clash dependent), but going through the motions felt off compared to past cantos. Not sure about some adaptational decisions, but it's great how they finally made a gacha for xc3 fans!

this was just like that really broken dual art from kuro 2

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Prologue/Canto I: 7/10. Pretty good introduction with an highlight start, but the League of Nine's introduction is pretty lame compared to the introduction of Ruina's villain ensemble. Gregor's cool, but he unfortunately drew the short straw as having the first Canto.
Canto II: 5/10. Pre-dungeon section is absolutely hilarious, average dnd section fr. Dungeon section, however, is rushed while making some lame changes to Crime and Punishment. Looking forward to revisiting Rodya and Sonya's dynamic later but for now it's just there.
Canto III: 7.5/10. Easily the best atmosphere out of any Canto pre-V, and the character dynamics are really great are(especially Sinclair's with the sinners and Kromer/Demian). Gameplay difficulty spike is the main issue with this chapter, as gacha luck made basically none of my 00/000 sinners have blunt.
Overall, good first 3 Cantos while Project Moon was in the process of figuring this game out.

Dongrang deserves an award for carrying this part's dogshit pacing until Yi Sang locked in for the final hour, but I guess these chicken wings will have to do.

粉絲們並沒有撒謊說隧道盡頭有曙光,但這款遊戲遇到了蔚藍之路的問題,選擇最糟糕的反派作為最終反派,早期的龍引擎是哈哈。仍然是一場好遊戲,但對於 Kiryu 的 OG 結局來說有點奇怪。更換配角一定是文化差異。

Thanks for teaching me that the best way to overcome systemic oppression, the cycle of violence, and past trauma is beating up SCPs and burning souls to use the funny solemn lament + dark flame + chained wrath + clean + myongest + blunt stance combo.

A sacrifice fly is the most beautiful play a batter can make. The player tanks his own stats in order to let the third base runner touch the home plate and give the team a win. Basically, half of Yakuza 5 being slop and Majima's character assassination was worth it for Shinada.

this game is like a femme fatale in that it baits you into a complete disaster. akiyama's cool though i guess.

this game is awesome i wish spears were real

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no, shu takumi, saying that societal issues are rampant doesn't mean you can fall into those traps to an even worse degree.

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agent 4 fans are in the mud, so this dlc is peak i fear

Yo you wanna learn how to do a fuckin infinite? Imma teach your motherfuckin bitch ass, easiest shit in the motherfucking Yakuza 3, Yakuza 2, fuck it, I don’t give a fuck, Kazuma Kiryu. Alright jump up the boss, hit up fuckin heavy kick and then it’s motherfuckin, LIGHT PUNCH, FINISHING BLOW, FINISHING BLOW 2, walk in whichever way you fuckin going, you only hit fuckin up motherfuckin finishing blow, you can’t do it while they're standing motherfucker, that shit don’t work. Let’s start this motherfucker off right, ah, ow, ow, ow, dropped that shit. Redo it motherfucker, ah, ow, how’s it taste? Keep the rhythm up. If you fuck up the rhythm, the motherfucking combo will drop motherfucker. Keep that motherfucking shit up, you keep that same motherfucking rhythm, if you drop this motherfucker then it will not be motherfucking cool. You can cancel it out into a motherfucking finishing throw but I ain’t gonna do that shit, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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dgs1 can't really stand on its own weight(including the final villain) and the endings of cases 1/3 + not being able to investigate case 4's scene are kinda stupid but the main characters make up for it. overall good experience, can't wait for dgs2 to utilize this game's potential.

Call me the Bed of Chaos on how the second half of this game put me to sleep.