I really, really enjoyed Little Goody Two Shoes. To the point where I played it 3 times and got all 10 endings! It has beautiful artwork and a wonderful soundtrack. I love how this game seems so cutesy but is actually pretty messed up. The horror part of the game was less scary and more disturbing, which I personally enjoyed. I like how some of the endings provides more lore for the player to uncover the story. A complaint I have is that one of the love interest's seems a bit half baked. Freya wasn't as important to the rest of the story compared to the other two and I found her route lacking. The only other complaint I have for this game is that it's a little laggy at times? Maybe it's because I played on switch but I had weird delays when I was in the menu. Other than that great game, I'll definitely play it again in the future and I'm looking forward to playing Pocket Mirror. Lebkuchen is best girl <3

I hated this game. The characters were dull and boring. The story was dull and boring even though you can tell the writers thought they were writing something good. The gameplay is dull and boring. And most encounters have so many enemies that you would think it's infinite spawn. Despite the leveling up system there is no meaningful growth is this game. The wizard starts off with a level 1 magic missile spell. Why does his level 10 meteor swarm spell function exactly the same as magic missile. And why is Drizzt in this game? Why does he have to be in so many DnD games? It really feels like they shoehorned him in lol. All in all this game is a total waste of time but it has cool cover art so I'll give it props for that

Tetris is already the perfect game and making it a battle royale was an unexpectedly ingenious decision

Great game with an excellent amount of mech customization. The story and lore is pretty good and so is the combat and mission structure. Biggest issue with this game are the arena fights; they can easily be cheesed by choosing the right arena and weapons.

It's asteroids. But for PS1. What more can I say?

This will be a review of only the single player because I did not touch the multiplayer. The first half of hunters is very linear and, frankly, boring. The latter half of the game opens up a bit and the player has to explore the worlds to find the appropriate upgrades to unlock previous locked doors so that part is pretty fun. The issue is that the upgrades are all just recolored beams and the game doesn't do many interesting puzzles with them. The only beam (out of 6 beams) that is used creatively is the Imperialist and those - very few - precision based puzzles were fun. The scripted hunter fights were fun mini bosses and I thought they were done well. After you first fight each of the hunters they can appear randomly on different worlds and are relegated to basically being regular enemies. They have much less health and are super easy to kill outside of their scripted sequences. Outside of the hunters there's only 3 bosses in the game. 2 bosses that you fight 4 times each and the final boss. The 2 bosses you fight repeatedly (Slench and Cretaphid) have varying levels of difficulty depending on which planet you're fighting them on. Despite the varying difficulties of these bosses, fighting them 4 times each is a pain in the ass. And every time you beat them there's a countdown and you have to make a dash back to your ship. It's very repetitive. The final boss was cool and needed the player to use all the beam weapons to fight it and it was honestly a fun fight. You can tell that the campaign for prime hunters was slapped together last minute lol. I imagine the multiplayer is pretty fun; I may try to give it a shot one day. It's not a bad game but I expected something better. I give prime hunters a 6/10 instead of a 5/10 because I love Metroid so much.

This was a lot of fun. It's unique concept (time only moving when you move) works up a sweat in VR lol. My only issue with it is that the game is too short to justify the $25 price tag. I beat it in about 3 hours

A solid Metroidvania. The character switching is a neat mechanic and both Johnathan and Charlotte have their own strengths and weaknesses, although the game favors the player playing as Johnathan more since he usually deals more damage. The only issue with the dual characters are the dual crush abilities. These are powerful abilities that use MP and make many encounters in this game a total cakewalk. There are only 3 bosses in this game that provided any sort of challenge and the rest were very easy. Out of all the CV games I've played so far (AoS, DoS, OoE) PoR is definitely the easiest game.

The paintings were a neat idea and provided some interesting maps to play in. My only issue with them were that some of the settings in the maps were reused later in the game but that's a minor detail. Platforming was solid along with the OST and the beautiful sprite work. I dislike the anime character art but that's just personal preference.

All in all, a very good Castlevania game that is a must play for Metroidvania fans.

Great turn based combat, excellent character customization, lovable party members with intriguing back stories, fantastic side quests, and a mostly good main story. The main story is mostly fantastic but it loses it's steam and focus in the 3rd act. Playing as the Dark Urge origin story helps the story in the 3rd act, but I still believe there should have been a 4th act to separate the other 2 main antagonists.


Like Journey, but a little worse. Beautiful undersea environments and a 10/10 soundtrack but the story is harder to follow than Journey's.


The biggest issue with this game is that there's not enough of it. The gameplay is fast, responsive, and gets addicting but with only one stage and one boss I wish there was more to this game. At least it's well worth the $5 price tag.

This game totally sucks with it's repetitive combat, bad visuals, horrendous animation, and lackluster story. However, I got to be a werewolf so I still enjoyed playing it lol

Fun gameplay and decent roster. But the story mode had weird incest undertones so I have to knock off a star for that

Day time mode in this game is super fun and the visuals are gorgeous. Night time mode is when Sonic turns into a werehog and the fun factor takes a nosedive with it's repetitive and clunky gameplay.