Man; what did he do to make them that mad?

Italians could learn a lot from this game. Like how to parry

Score equal to the amount of monster fields youre allowed

"Ok class, today we are going to fucking kill globox"
The kid named Rayman Arena:

Beat this in a day and when i did i was so fucking mad for some reason

Friend recommended this series to me and thats the last time i listen to that fucker

This watch does 10,628,591,482 damage

The best gameplay loop and exploration in the franchise but its kind of like your smt 4 build in that all the other stats other than gameplay are just lukewarm. I hope this game raises an entire generation of committed people to go back and play all the smts. I waited for this game longer than anything in my life more people should just play more of these games was all i asked for.

I come home from work where I clean shit off the floor and make sure everything is going alright from 2-10 almost everyday, then when Im home the first thing I do is play a game about I clean shit off the floor and make sure everything is going alright only this time a little goblin runs by my feet once a day.


Wow that was fucking hard. Without the draconian quest this game is dumb easy. It felt pretty satisfying to properly use buffs and debuffs since I was never using them this efficiently. Spent at least 5 hours playing poker to get revive items and I am still rolling in that coin. First time beating the game too and I enjoyed the story and party by the end of it. Despite every other game I have to play I still want more from this game and for that I think I developed a slight case of Stockholm syndrome. Even ended up enjoying the music by the end of it. Easily my favorite dragon quest I beat so far. Sylvando and the gay pride parade was my favorite part of the game.

Actually I haven't played it but I've been watching my buddy play it and Ada Wong is really hot

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Autism be damned that ocelot can spin

What if we made the greatest game on the playstation -some fuck at konami

Nice try psy op, next time give it your A game and i mightve been convinced this game was passable