A simple game, made for partable plataforms, still, a good experience. The story exploits the triads, a bit of how their relatioship can be and the surroudings of the echosystem of a criminal organization that operates in Liberty City. Altough there are aspects that I think that could be of a more well use, the game delivers a solid plot that has its values.

Gameplay-wise, easy. The piloting isn't the greatest of the frank, the bikes are a little tricky to command (for me, who played in android and has dull reflexes), but it's ok. The combat has a automatized aim, it can be a little difficult sometimes, pointing to a out of sight and the lack of a "more complex" cover system (there isn't such thing, but is possible to shoot some directions and protect yourself a little bit with the scenario).

Aside from the main story, there are secondary missions such as "encounters with strangers" and races, I don't quite remember anymore. I've played in a more "direct" aproach, but surely there various activities that will keep the occupied chasing for the 100% (I ended the story mode and I had 48%).

I recommend. As the last title in Liberty City, it valuable revisit it from another perspective.

Joguei breviamente, sabia o que esperar, e comparando ao concorrente (no meu caso, FIFA22), é um jogo que atende as expectativas e não impressiona, mas dentro do escopo jogável e modificável, pode me proporcionar boas esperiências FINITAS.

Decent, altough he has "enhanced" versions of "Hitman Codename 47", which gets out the sensation of a new challenge that you have to figure out how to pass, but, yet, I reccomend you to play it, this game has parts that are important to understand what happened in the games before and later.

Quite a good game, that's for sure, but the last star wasn't awarded because of the feeling of lack of "dramaticity" that I have on the present moment of this writing.

Comparing to GTAIV, it shares various mechanics, and a bunch of others are similar; but the cutscenes, not by far, didn't get me to feel the emotion, I believe that was because the atmosphere. Playing in the X360 emulator, an issue could be the reason, but, yet, they didn't get me on the soft spot.

Although the commentary I made up here, this is game that, being a "sequel that was released before", still can hit me with the thought that is shame that it has ended, and when a media gives me this feeling, that's a signal, it was great experience. Although it is a mediocre analizationed-oppinion, one thing is for sure: you'll enjoy this game.

I simply don't have complaints about this game.

I don't have any issue with this game, but 4 stars is the evaluation that I give because of a lack of dramaticity. There are moments of more emotional charge, but, in general the crucial moments have, in atmosphere and visual portration, a more "crude" fashion; because of this, and knowing the possible reasons of why, I give it this score.

I've took some time to get hooked into this one, but, once it happened, worthed very much. Pretty good characters, they're evolution is well paced, very "tangled", but good.

Gameplay-wise, decent, the lack of the opponent's life bar gave me some moments of agony (played on HARD even being lame on each and every fight game), I was fighting, punching, kicking, and wondering how much more I'll have to stand to finally beat the guy, there are some indicatives, but, at least for me, a life bar would be veeeeery tranquilizing. The only another thing that bugged me was the enemy heat action's hitbox, looked to be wider than should be.

In resume, worth of playing, I didn't do any substories, so I can't talk about it, but it look like a good lot of content that can get one entertained for a little while and see Kamurocho from another angle.

Played a while ago, good in various aspects, but I particularly didn't found the additional activities interesting...

Decent for spending some time, having a fast progression, turned into a short game that wasn't entirely finished by me just did the LA Career, the Tokyo one, a exclusive bonus for the plataform, didn't play yet, but it will just be more races to do, since the original story wasn't quite THE STORY, being possible to synthesize in a single stanza, so not a big aditional to play it.

Well, as sequence, comparations are inevitable, but my experience playing this one on NORMAL level (the first game was on HARD), is that it is a good game in general.

Content-wise, keep the standard of having a lot of things to do, but, I can't say anything about it because I only did the story mode.

The main point of the pratical part of the game, gameplay and it's system: exploring is just okay, nothing to say about it, regarding fighting and the system of it, it's well composed, gave me the will to grind an upgrade the style, so another would be unlocked and cycle repeats.

The boss fights, in general, looked easier (the level has influence on it as well). Regarding duration, is very better (doesn't gave me the feeling of taking too much time), and a fair hit box and reach, aspects that just expanded with the two final bosses (for me, fair, the last ones) something that a this level (NORMAL), I've experienced at every boss fight in the first game.

Here, my main struggle was the space that was, for the most part, enough, but, when fights are made in wider spaces, they look a ton easier, so for the most part, the scenarios are a bit "claustrophobics".

Well, that sums it, good soundtrack, story, balanced gameplay (at least on NORMAL level) and pretty recomendable, as a sequence, obvously, after all, the first game has a big part of this "magic".

As a new breath to the franchise, this one inovated by making the so charismatic characters playable, and, for me, it's as well done as the (maybe) biggest refference in multi main characters, GTAV, of course, Yakuza 4 has its peculiarities, isn't as simultaneous as the previously mentioned, but it does, because of its difference when it comes to develop characters and story, which, continues being well-made.

The story is a characteristic big plot entangled with present and past events that is conduced with some events happening at the same "time-space", all of it driving to a big conclusion. The combat gameplay continues the base that Yakuza 3/Kenzan brought and improved the aspects that were considered issues that made the gameplay more pleasurable, the evolution system was improved as well, giving a sense of balance in the relation challenge+viability=ejoyment (in my opinion was unbalanced in the last game) that turns the game's proposal of combat well executed, that only has the liberty of increasing the challenge for the sake of it, for example, a greater fighter that proves to be a big hardness in the way.

Secondary content, as always, a lot of things to do, as always, I couldn't experience everything of it, but what I've done was good, nothing bad to say. In general, a great game, bold in its inovations and that deserves a lot of credit for it.

Well, it ins't bad at all, but, at least for me, it has shown throughout the development of its narrative that the formula of a big plot revolving around Kiryu, and now his comrades, needed a oxygenation.

Partly, that's because the way the game treats certain things. It's not as if it is rushed, it's more like it didn't use the space that looked ideal to me. For example: not giving to some aspects of history, the time they could have, to become a more valuable element, as in the development of certain characters, looking a bit short for a characters that take a big roles in the story.

Apart from that aspect, some minor conveniences here and there, but nothing that isn't in the standards of the franchise. Now, talking about the good aspects, some characters that were introduced are very likeable, their developments are well rhythmized (could that be at cost of the little issue I've mentioned before? Maybe), it's a shame that some of them had no more time in the main branch of the franchise.

Gameplay-wise, playing on NORMAL, wasn't challenging all the time, but it didn't reach the boredom. As said before, just the standard, most part of the fights are squashes and, when it comes to story battles there is some good fights. Just in few moments the game has some bigger leaps of difficulty, but nothing that tarns the experience.

Apart from it, the extras didn't have the personal appeal that attracted me to do a big part of its activities. Training, Side Stories, Sub-stories were the ones which I've focused the most in completing and they all proved rewarding; aside from that, nothing to say. It's a reccomendable game and, although it didn't hit me the same way 3 did, still a game which a regard as good.

Nearly 20 years later, playing with the use of mods (which is nearly mandatory for stable experience), I can see how this game aged more clearly. In certain aspects, is dated, AI behavior is one of these aspects, they're amazing for the time the game was launched, though. Still, in combat allies act in unproductive ways, sometimes, even getting in the way. Content-wise, has a good variety.

At least for me, none of the activities of "100% checklist" is evaluated as bad, some of them can be volumous, but not bad. Story-wise, has some minor inchoerences, about Ryder's situation that was a bit managed as far as it could be, making it strange. All in All, a good and reccomendable expirience; justifying why it still has its 5 stars.

Well, in my opinion, Resident Evil 4 is already a really good game in the base, and I played this game with the ultra HD project, turning it even better. I don't know the bad points that this version has, yet, still reccomendable.