182 reviews liked by Bate

i don't know how to feel about this game. it isn't bad. the characters were alright. they were interesting and likeable. story was fine too. but it's just not as good as the first one.
i liked the gameplay especially ellie's.
abby was surprising. i thought i would hate her but i just .. can't.
overall i guess i liked it but i'm probably never gonna play it again it's just not good enough for that

This is the game you show to comic book fans who want to know why they should get into gaming.

absolute masterpiece and timeless classic

Fuck Abby me and my homies hate Abby

It's good, and you definitely should play it if you like Half Life, but it's no replacement for Half Life. It's gunplay, enemy design (aka reskinned Combine that are more aggressive), aesthetics/atmosphere just aren't as good as the original imo.

Also say whatever you will about og Xen at least it didn't drag on for like 4 hours

An improvement for the series, better focus on story, slightly inferior gameplay to the other games.

Still, a bold evolution for the series.

i like bernie but damn this sucks

imagine you copy all of the worst parts of the halo series and made them a game. cortana's hot at least

1 list liked by Bate