I’m a gaming bug. Suffice to say, this game ticked all the boxes.

As a fan of Sapkowski, Zelda-style games , the medieval fantasy genre and Slavic folklore I have to say this game saved me during the first lock down.

I still need to replay it a few times, do side quests , different endings , DLC etc but even as it is, already a legend in my book.

Where it all started.

I was 4 years old, the era was the late 80s. and in one day I discovered my love for videogames and dinosaurs.

The first home system videogame I have a memory of playing. Aunty Gema used to babysit me a lot in the late 80s and early 90s.

She had a NES and this was her favourite game and the first she ever showed me.

Another classic from Auntie Gema collection. First game I ever beat all by my self. Lil 6 year old me in 1991.

I don't even like golf but 6 year old me love those early 90s friday evenings at aunty Gema's , playing NES and eating cheesecake.

My parents had a bff couple with two sons and a Nintendo in the early 90s. The older brother and I clicked instantly and I spent many a sleepover at his house playing NES.

He had this double whammy cartridge and although I had played Mario 3 at my aunty's, I had never played the OG Mario bros until I became friends with Jokin, circa 1993.

Mario was pretty good, but Duck Hunt? Best thing since bread and chocolate.

Another classic from Aunty Gema's NES. I also played this game at an arcade cabinet in a pintxos bar my parents used to frequent in the late 80s.

Definitely one of the first games I ever played and for sure the first ever sports game. Really fond memories. I recently replayed it at a retro arcade salon-pub and must say this game is still very playable and lots of fun.

As a console-less 80s baby my experience with 8 and 16bit era console games was limited to whatever was available at the console havens.

My parents weren't poor. They were part of the up and coming Spanish middle-class of the early Democracy years. They were just a little bit tight fisted when it came to toys. They hardly ever bought us any. They weren't even anti-videogames. They just didn't want to splash the dosh.

We were very well fed tho, had a warm home and even a nanny. Our nanny had a nephew and sometimes we'd do a sleepover at his.

He was a little bit older and had a Megadrive. I really liked senpai Abel. Very cool guy. This game was in his mega drive collection. Around this time we were all deep in the Ninja Turtle's craze and this game definitely had that vibe. I loved this game so much but it was too hard for me to beat. Luckily I had senpai Abel to get me through the tougher areas, not without breaking a sweat.

I hyped him so much haha. Oh this game was also the first 16 bit game console game I ever played and (much later) beat.

The year was 1992 I think.

Funky platformer I used to play at my friend Abel's in his Megadrive in the early 90s. God bless Abel.

This game had an ecologist theme and was not super easy but kind enough 7 year old me could beat it in 1992 without help from senpai.

Exploration, great music, interesting game play. A bit tough to crack but luckily I had a senpai to help me through the tough areas.

Another of these ecologist themed games from those boyhood years of ours.

What can I say, I was always terrible at this game. But it still was one of if not the most iconic game of my boy years.

Tight controls, great character design, great level design, great music. 30 years on, hasn't gotten old.
I on the other hand....

I had already played a few platformers before D. Headdy in the early 90s, both on NES and Megadrive.

You could say I was a connoisseur of the genre. This was without a doubt a must play.

Colourful, dynamic, action packed... I really liked it.

Absolutely loved this game. The arcade version was my first ever beat em up, which I played at one of my dad's hometown bars during the summer holidays.

Graphics, music, ambient. Rad lil game.

I told senpai Abel so much about it he bought it for his Megadrive so we could play together. Console version wasn't as polished, but still had the aliens the guns and the trash cans.

In my personal chronology, Power Rangers The Movie marks the border between my childhood and puberty.

This game was fun, but it wasn't great. I knew this even though I was its exact target demographic and was very cloud eyed about anything PR.