My first DS experience and I had a blast with it.

Incredibly fast pacing with a very interesting story. Really enjoyed it.

Really great DKC clone. Simple yet fun and challenging in the right amount.

I love FE but I absolutely hated this game. The monastery parts were frustrating as heck and the gameplay is not up to my tastes.
I have been putting off finishing the other routes.

As always, the musou spin-offs are always great. The only thing this lacks is an endgame.

I really enojyed this game. For personal reasons, this was one of the games that helped me during a really really tough time in my life. I will always remember it fondly.

Such a masterpiece. One of my favorite platformers. Everythign about it is perfect.

Such a great game. I was hesitant in picking it up but I'm glad I did. Had a blast playing through it with the lance build.

A great roguelike that eventually does not hold up to so much playthroughs like I had. Enjoyed it a lot, nonetheless.

One of the best SMT games out there. Reminds me that I need to pick up Apocalypse.

I waited for every update to land before playing this and I'm glad I did. The game was polished, fun and had a ton of things to do. A great metroidvania in its own rights, after all the updates.

I'm not really sure why, but I absolutely loved this game. I need to replay it to see if it still holds well enough.

So good. "Dark" zelda vibes, which is amazing. Loved my time playing this.

Was excited for this but ended up feeling kinda... "meh" on it. Not as good as Darksiders 1 for sure.

I really, really enjoyed it, even with its flaws. Better than Darksiders 3 for sure.