Masterpiece. Only bested by the sequel.
Astonishing graphics, tight gameplay, perfect runtime, emotional story.
One my favorite games of all time.

This is an interesting game. I replayed it after more than 10 years and my impressions of the game changed a bit.
Story and presentation are absolutely top-notch. Love it.
However, the gameplay this time was kinda rough in some spots, mostly related to the sluggishness of the main character. It feels like a prototype for Hades now that I've played both (hades totally improved upon the foundations set by Bastion).
I still enjoy this a lot!


A short and sweet precision platformer, but not as hard as Celeste or Super Meat Boy. The pixel graphics are gorgeous! Very pleasing to see.

Gorgeous presentation in every aspect (music, graphics, voice acting, etc). Quite a short metroidvania (got 83% on 6 or 7hrs?).
The abilities are interesting and the dances are cool but it would be great if we could actually play as the genies that Shantae transforms while dancing (Seer, Refresh, Electric and Quake).
The game can be a little challenging before getting refresh, after that, it's a cakewalk. One of the major negative points is the spam! Gotta mash the attack button to actually do damage, which I sincerly disliked as I got tired of mashing the attack button everytime.
A good metroidvania even if simple.

Its a free, short and gorgeous 2D platforming game. I would totally play a full length game made by these developers.
Highly recommended! Reminds me of the Ori games in presentation (style, graphics and music are all top notch).

Iga really did a great job with this game. I remember playing it right when it launched and enjoying it but now with all the updates (1.5) and extra modes, this game is superb.
An EXCELLENT metroidvania, really nailing the combat and exploration. There is nothing that really stands out from a typical metroidvania but everything is really well done.
I still struggle to remember to cut the moon!

An incredible metroidvania/2D Action brazilian game made by 2 devs.
Cool story with great pixelated graphics and tight gameplay. The combat is focused on stamina and parry, which took me quite a while to get the hang of it but once it clicked, I had a blast mowing through the enemies and fighting the bosses (which are varied and very cool!).
There is a LOT of potential sequence braking here (some achievements even acknowledge this) and there is the goddamned time mechanic, which I completely ignored and used Explorer mode to get on with the game on my pace.
Outstanding game!

Just as I said in my Seasons review: "So good. I know the limitations of the GBC can bother a lot while playing (only 2 items at the same time) but the game still shines through!
Classic 2D zelda movement, combat and everything else, which is one of my favorite types of games."
The big difference with Seasons is that this game has no handholding and just throws possibilities at you. The puzzles/dungeons are really interesting (probably some of my favorites from the series), the interaction you are able to have with the characters/npcs and the world are always clever (after you are first able to get through them, as I had to pick up a guide a few times to know how to progress), the combat is snappy and responsive!
So many praises! I absolutely loved this game, the only thing holding it back from greatness is that switching items really bothered me. Nevertheless, one of my favorite Zelda games!


This game does almost everything perfectly. The story is interesting and emotional, the graphics are absolutely stunning (seriously, I consider it to be one of my best artstyles I've seen in a game), gameplay is highly responsive and dynamic.
However, it is a roguelite, which is not something I enjoy. Nonetheless, I had a blast playing through it.
The ending is great but the epilogue is bad!

Almost everything is improved over the first one: graphics, sound, gameplay, etc. HOWEVER, the idea that you gotta run through everything each chapter multiple times is so tiresome that I did not play it again.
Maybe one day I'll get back to it and finish it 100% like I did with the first one.

So good. I know the limitations of the GBC can bother a lot while playing (only 2 items at the same time) but the game still shines through!
Classic 2D zelda movement, combat and everything else, which is one of my favorite types of games.
Each season brings changes to the map and how you play/address the environment, which is refreshing. It was a joy to see each map in different season.
I gotta confess that some bosses gave me trouble until I found out how to beat them, and other, even after know what to do had me struggling.
Really, really liked this. Not the best 2D zelda but I had a great time playing it!
Now gotta start Ages with the secret obtained after finishing this one.

Now I get why this is highly regarded.
Graphics are stunning, one of the best pixel art I've ever seen. Music is absolutely perfect, setting the mood correctly. Gameplay is really snappy and responsive with lots of options. Exploration is highly rewarding. Abilities are interesting.

Regarding difficulty: I felt that the game started hard and went to being really easy and then hitting a difficulty spike on the last boss. Nonetheless, superb game that justifies how highly regarded it is.

Simple yet great gameplay. Switching the "state" changes the stage/blocks which results in a satisfying loop. The stages are quite short but some are really tough to get on par.
Great little game.

Just like the first one, but with better graphics (more COLORS!).
The difficulty and the originality in this are way above the first one, but still really simple gameplay. Well worth playing it.

As charming as the first one but not as emotional. Gameplay stays the same but there are some innovations in this one such as the ultra jumps platforming sections as well as the sliding ones.
Gameplaywise I prefer this one over the first one but in general I'd say the first one is still my favorite.
DIAF tank stage!